Tom Hen. Clinton Secret Accounts Revealed (3versions) //c-story:‘WHY ARE WE ((UK)) IN AFGHANISTAN?’ QUESTION UNANSWERED.

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Tom Hen. Clinton Secret Accounts Revealed (3versions) //c-story:‘WHY ARE WE ((UK)) IN AFGHANISTAN?’ QUESTION UNANSWERED.
 Tuesday, November 18, 2008 
 Clinton Secret Accounts Revealed
Clinton Secret Accounts Revealed
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
Monday  November 17, 2008
United States of America – It can now be revealed that the recent assassination attempts against former British Prime Minister Tony Blair
and current British Prime Minister Gordon Brown
deal with the secret offshore accounts of both Bill and Hillary Clinton located in Saudi Arabia, Isle of Man, Denmark, Sweden, the Russian Federation as well as Germany.
sorcha faal:
British Leaders Targeted As 'Horrific' Attack Expected On US
…The first attack these reports say was made against former British Prime Minister Blair, and current International Envoy to West Asia, who while leaving Israel this past week was fired upon by an assailant who was then in turn killed by one of the security agents protecting him. Western news reports are continuing their suppression of the true facts of this attack and are reporting that the attack against Blair at Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion International Airport was instead an 'incident' caused by one of his security guards 'accidentally' firing his weapon.
The second, and more serious attack was an assassination attempt against the current British Prime Minister Gordon Brown during his visit this past weekend to the US for the G20 summit when another rightwing Israeli zealot threw a grenade and fired shots during an assassination attempt while Brown was exiting the Waldorf-Astoria hotel where he had been staying and meeting with top American economic officials…

Reference: These secret accounts, of course, represent STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds that the Clintons acquired with the assistance of former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.

Giga Scandal
Fitzgerald probe: Sen. Clinton withdrew stolen funds from Grenada bank
Both Blair and Brown have cooperated with British authorities in detailing the existence of these accounts and their locations.
Both the Clintons and the Bushes aka the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate
 are facing European RED NOTICES, i.e. indictments      in regards to the misuse of these STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds for the use of massive market manipulation involving the noted currency exchange in London aka The Life Exchange.
Note: A joint U.S.-French Intelligence Agency task force, headquartered on European soil, has used PROMIS software and other sophisticated technology to track the ILLEGAL trading practices of the Clintons and the Bushes
utilizing STOLEN U.S. and French Treasury funds.
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate Co-Conspirators
Clinton and Stephanopoulos (L), Karen Hughes and Bushfraud
The facilitators for this ILLEGAL trading include former Clinton White House aide George Stephanopoulos, now ABC News talk show host, and former Bushfraud year 2000 campaign manager and White House aide, Karen Hughes.
Again it is clear now, folks, why the UN-electable LOSER Hillary wants to be U.S. Secretary of State.  She needs diplomatic immunity in Europe from prosecution for illegal trading and money laundering.
At this hour, White House occupant Bushfraud has only received immunity on U.S. soil from current U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts
 aka year 2000 election fixer co-conspirator.
Item: Roberts grant of immunity for Bush as well as the Supreme Court's year 2000 decision to install Bush as White House occupant with bribes and coercion
is all a fraud upon the U.S. Supreme Court and has no legal standing whatsoever.
P.S. The secret offshore accounts under the control of Bill and Hillary Clinton are numerical accounts without Bill and Hillary's names appearing on the accounts.
However, a password must be used to bring the accounts online.  At this point the account numbers and the names of Bill and Hillary appear.
We can now tell you what the password code is:"Thunder"

P.P.S. President-elect Obama is currently being blackmailed on two fronts by the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate.
1. He is, of course, NOT a "natural born" citizen required by the U.S. Constitution to hold the office of president.
All reports trace Obama's birth place to being in Kenya.
However, that is irrelevant since Obama's father was a British citizen
and at the time of Obama's birth Kenya was a British colony.
Accordingly, based on the British Citizenship Act of 1948, an individual born to a British citizen is automatically a British citizen no matter where the birth takes place.
So at best Obama is a DUAL citizen and clearly ineligible to be a U.S. president.
2. Obama is being blackmailed by Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate representative Barney Frank on Obama's involvement in 1990 in a pedophile and homosexual party that took place at Barney Frank's noted homosexual whorehouse in Washington, D.C.
Reports have it that Obama was compromised at the party by known Bush-Clinton Crime Family CIA operative George Pender, FBI Division 5 agent Ted Gunderson and former President George Herbert Walker Bush.
Obama's attendance at this gathering was, you might say, his "initiation", as a fulltime British Intelligence asset to be used on American soil.
Reference: In past briefings we have already detailed White House occupant George W. Bush's lifelong closet homosexual relationship with former Yale classmate and now Ambassador to Poland, Victor Ashe,
 along with unelectable loser and lesbian in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton's lesbian lifestyle, and of course, the noted sexual deviate Bill Clinton.
And, of course, now we have Obama.
The pattern is clear.  The New World Order gang need people in office that they can blackmail and manipulate based on deviate sexual activity.

Homosexual gays and lesbians who are  "IN-THE-CLOSET"  are a  MAJOR THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY  being vulnerable to blackmail and extortion by self-serving, hostile entities against the safety, security, sovereignty and best interests of the American People.
At this hour, we ask the U.S. Military, along with our great ally of 200 years, the Republic of France, to put an end to this nightmare against the American People, its Constitution and proceed with immediate liberation.
The compromised, extortion-friendly American media
 is totally controlled by the NSA (National Security Agency)
 and the British MI6-Israeli Mossad occupation gang.

Again, we ask the U.S. Military to do their duty.
As of this hour we live free or die.
Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, said "…I am surrounded by enemies but I shall never stand down in the face of tyrants..."
Stay tuned for emergency reports at any moment as Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the  REAL  President of the United States.
Non-inaugurated, duly elected
President Albert Gore Jr.
International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL -- reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.
 Liberty and Justice for We, the American People
Punishment with Due Prejudice for
7:48 AM
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========== 2 mor4e versions below ==========



Monday 17 November 2008 17:15


By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review and associated intelligence publications and information services. See this site for details and ordering facility.

On 2nd October 2008, the Editor sent the following email to the British Ministry of Defence under the heading [see Archive]:

London, 2nd October 2008:


'Please provide me with a written statement indicating what specifically BRITISH national interests (NOT international interests) are served by our operations in Afghanistan, with specific reference to the drug trade.

Please further confirm in writing that the British authorities are not engaged in any way in drug-trafficking, or in facilitating drug trafficking in connection with their operations in Afghanistan, and that the British authorities are not supporting drug-trafficking operations known to be conducted by elements of other foreign intelligence and military services operating in Afghanistan.

Manifestly, if other foreign forces operating in Afghanistan are engaged in drug operations, we should be fighting them, or we should not be there at all.

Please be advised that we will unfortunately not be content with a Public Relations bromide response concerning this matter, given that we have information which will be compared with your necessary written reply.

When we last embarked upon an enquiry on this subject by telephone, we were moved around from pillar to post and were more or less fobbed off with some statement about vague international cooperation, which of course missed the point of the enquiry.

So this time round, we are requesting a written response to my address, please.

As taxpayers for 40+ years I and my firm are entitled to know how you are spending our money and whether there is any abuse along the lines outlined here.

We need this for clarification when explaining to our readers what we are supposed to be doing in Afghanistan and in order to dispel well-informed data to the effect that we may be engaged in protecting or facilitating drug operations and distribution.

Self-evidently, ALL government involvement in 'Black' drug operations is inexcusable, despicable and Luciferian. Accordingly, they must be exposed.

No doubt you will be as keen to dispel any 'misunderstandings' that may exist on this score, as we are. Thank you'.

Christopher Story FRSA

As of this date, the Ministry of Defence (MOD) has not had the courtesy either to acknowledge receipt of the foregoing email, or to reply to the issues raised.

The MOD’s website waffles: 'As you can appreciate, MOD Ministers receive hundreds of letters, faxes and emails every week. Unfortunately, it is not practical for them to respond to all of this correspondence personally. However, all the messages submitted via this web form are read by staff in the Ministry of Defence and Ministers regularly receive reports on the issues raised'.

'Please note that we cannot reply by email: you must include a postal address in the comments section below' [which of course the Editor did].

This official text carefully omitted, naturally, to state that every communication would receive a response, let alone be acknowledged. However in view of the gravity of the issues raised in the Editor’s letter, any reasonable person might have assumed that it would have been sensible to respond to this communication, not least since the same reasonable person would be liable to believe that British military power has not been projected in Afghanistan to protect the drug trade.

The tactful procedure in these situations is to presume that official motivations are respectable (which the Editor did not do in this instance).

God forbid, therefore, that they should be criminal. Perish the thought.

Since the British Ministry of Defence has refrained from even acknowledging this enquiry, and more than seven weeks have gone by since the email was sent,
 the Editor is now ENTITLED, given the MOD’s silence, to draw the following obvious conclusions:

The British Ministry of Defence could not write to the Editor to deny that our British forces are operating in Afghanistan to defend and help control the heroin poppy crop because that is precisely what they are there for.

To lie about this would have progressively more devastating consequences for the MOD, given that the families of dead British soldiers would have every incentive to sue the Government for deploying their offspring to Afghanistan on the basis of a false and criminal prospectus.

The British Ministry of Defence may have decided that it would far be too dangerous to respond at all, given this Editor’s uncomfortable habit of refusing to be bamboozled by officials whose life styles are sustained by the taxes we productive people pay to keep them in the comfort zones to which they are accustomed.

By adopting this cowardly stance, the MOD laid itself open to the likelihood that the Editor of this service would have to conclude that British military power and resources are most certainly being deployed in Afghanistan to protect the heroin crop, which had been all but closed down when the hated Taliban were in control there.

And indeed, THIS IS THE ONLY POSSIBLE CONCLUSION to be drawn from the MOD’s extreme arrogance on this score. No response AT ALL to the Editor’s letter = a tacit acknowledgment that the Editor’s necessary conclusion is CORRECT.

FACT: The Editor’s father, the late Colonel Henry Harle Story MC, fought through the whole of the two Illuminati Wars (1914-1918 and 1939-1945), surviving both.

FACT: He fought in order to purchase freedom inter alia for the complacent and arrogant officials who inhabit the corridors of the Ministry of Defence, which, given its evidently cowardly decision not to respond to the Editor’s email, has laid itself wide open to the accusation that is repeated here: YOU APPEAR TO BE ENGAGED IN CRIMINAL OPERATIONS the purpose of which may be to hold onto and assure control over the ‘Black’ money flowing from the heroin trade, which is known to be used inter alia to finance ‘Black Ops’ in furtherance of an internationalist agenda that has NOTHING whatsoever to do with BRITISH NATIONAL DEFENCE.

If you were interested in UK NATIONAL DEFENCE, you and your duplicitous criminalist allies in the corrupt American structures would have CLOSED DOWN the Afghani drug business years ago.

FACT: The REASON that Britain is flooded with drugs, as was vividly portrayed in the disturbing supplement on this subject published with The Observer newspaper on 16th October 2008, is that GOVERNMENTS, or rogue elements of the corrupt intelligence services thereof (in Britain’s case, Government Operations – 2, or GO-2) ARE THEMSELVES ENGAGED IN THE DRUG BUSINESS.

Now the British Ministry of Defence is identified as PROTECTING THE GLOBAL DRUG TRADE.

It will be interesting, will it not, to see whether the MOD, perhaps stung out of its moral torpor by this report, will SUDDENLY refute this Editor’s accusation, given that this very powerful (thanks to YOUR support) website is making such an extremely serious accusation.

But don’t bet on it. The MOD will probably continue with its policy of pretending that there isn’t a problem. In which case, folks, YOU MAY REST ASSURED that we will be returning to this subject with redoubled outrage and anger in the none too distant future. The Editor’s father didn’t fight through two Illuminati Wars to enable these reprobate officials and political hacks to facilitate the poisoning of our own people with drugs, as appears to be the case. He would be OUTRAGED.

FACT: On 15th November, the Editor heard an interestingly deceitful weasel ‘rationalisation’ of this issue. It goes as follows: the heroin trade is being kept out of the hands of the Taliban because if it was allowed to fall back into their hands, the war in Afghanistan would continue forever. The only problems with this gross ‘rationalisation’ are that (a) the Taliban almost eliminated the drug trade while it was in control; and (b) the volume of drugs produced by Afghanistan since the United States and Britain arrived there to ‘fight the Taliban’ on the pretext of curbing scope for ‘terrorism’, has, as is universally known, gone through the roof.

FACT: You will also be aware, to change the subject slightly, that US and UK ‘mainstream’ media outlets, and certain controlled ‘Psy-Ops’ websites that specialise in MARKETING FEAR, continue to speak of Osama Bin Laden in the present tense, and also in the context of rumoured and allegedly intended ‘Osama’ atrocities, notwithstanding that Osama Bin Laden, a.k.a. the CIA’s old asset ‘Tim Osman’, departed this mortal coil on 26th December 2001, as several times reported by this service and long since authoritatively reconfirmed.

FACT: The reason that this ‘Black’ CIA ghoul is kept ‘virtually’ alive is that if his virtual existence were to be negated for public consumption by acknowledgment of his actual demise seven years ago, VERY GRIEVOUS UNANSWERED QUESTIONS about mass murders would require IMMEDIATE responses: which the two criminal REVOLUTIONARY Governments of the United States and Britain are not about to provide, for fear that certain of their number might deservedly wind up like Stalin’s victims, namely with a bullet through the temples: or should we say, dangling from those notorious lamp posts referenced by the contemporary manifestation of the Devil Incarnate, mega-drug baron, money launderer, giga-financial bandit, practitioner of deception and ‘Black Arts’ on a global scale, double-cross merchant, inventor of the Greenspan-Bush-Clinton Crime Nexus ‘Never-Pay’ Theft Syndrome, CORRUPTER OF THE NATIONS AND THE VATICAN, the destroyer of America, World Revolution gauleiter and murderous Godfather,
DVD Chieftain George Herbert Walker BUSH Sr..

The Editor has refrained from reporting on the Settlements and associated issues since the end of October for a number of reasons. First, this website is an add-on to our long-established financial, economic and general intelligence publications and books, which take priority at all times.

On returning from the United States in late October, the Editor had to attend to urgent business associated with these publishing activities, which have continued without a break since 1970. In this context, we will very shortly be publishing new issues of the following services:

International Currency Review [Volume 34, Number 1], on the international financial corruption crisis and its global consequences and evolution, with a detailed events narrative.

Soviet Analyst [Volume 30, Number 10], which inter alia leads with an article entitled ‘Criminalist ‘blowback’ against the U.S. follows rape of the USSR’.

Arab-Asian Affairs [Volume 32, Number 4]: ‘ONI Operative Vreeland was correct’ (in respect of his understanding of the underlying causes and sources of the world crisis, although he is a criminal, and extremely dangerous when ‘not on his meds’). Understanding Vreeland presupposes a basic comprehension of how the ‘Black’ US MK-ULTRA-type forces go about the splitting of personalities so as to create operatives who will do their filthy bidding when ‘triggered’.

The Latin American Times: ‘Belize: Overcoming a bad legacy’, on the interesting developments in this former British Territory, where a new broom has been confronting local (and US) corruption.

Other issues of our serials print titles, especially Economic Intelligence Review, London Currency Report and Interest Rate Service, are currently also in preparation.

Secondly, we have in fact acquired access to sensitive intelligence which will be publicised in a forthcoming report. For various reasons that we cannot go into here, it was deemed appropriate to withhold publication of this information pending certain further developments: and we are close to the end of this period. So, as soon as the new Settlements-related report is ready, it will be posted.

Finally, as previously indicated, our wide-ranging analysis of the US-driven fraudulent finance epidemic has been in preparation for some time.

This is a very demanding task. Specifically, we will be providing a detailed analysis and history of the Credit Default Swap scam and fraud model, from the BCCI operation under the Bush Crime Family, to the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae takeover which was perpetrated in order to obfuscate fraudulent finance operations controlled by the Bush-Clinton ‘Box Gang’ for the ‘benefit’ of their associated slush fund entities headed by A.I.G. and the Carlyle Group.

This important study will explain how the fraudulent finance epidemic developed, and WHY it is fraudulent, beginning with a speech delivered by Bevis Longstreth delivered on 8th April 1983 at the ‘American Assembly’ at Columbia University in New York. That presentation described almost precisely what was intended, and recommended the fraudulent finance model that ensued.

Our report will further expose the routine use of deceptive terminology to obfuscate fraudulent transactions. The originator and expert consultant for this project is the US Securities Markets expert Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S., with editing, elaboration, publishing and marketing skills added by the Editor of this service and our printing, publishing and global distribution resources. The report is expected to be published in the New Year.

It will be made available to our paid-up subscribers, and will also be available, when paid for but NOT otherwise, to the international financial community generally. This is a commercial enterprise, and we retain our total independence thanks to the fact that we are financed by our subscribers.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008 

HOT News: Clinton Secret Account Revealed
Category: News and Politics


Explosive Breaking News

Clinton Secret Accounts Revealed

by Tom Heneghan

International Intelligence Expert


Monday  November 17, 2008

United States of America – It can now be revealed that the recent assassination attempts against former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and current British Prime Minister Gordon Brown deal with the secret offshore accounts of both Bill and Hillary Clinton located in Saudi Arabia, Isle of Man, Denmark, Sweden, the Russian Federation as well as Germany.

British Leaders Targeted As 'Horrific' Attack Expected On US

…The first attack these reports say was made against former British Prime Minister Blair, and current International Envoy to West Asia, who while leaving Israel this past week was fired upon by an assailant who was then in turn killed by one of the security agents protecting him. Western news reports are continuing their suppression of the true facts of this attack and are reporting that the attack against Blair at Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion International Airport was instead an 'incident' caused by one of his security guards 'accidentally' firing his weapon.

The second, and more serious attack was an assassination attempt against the current British Prime Minister Gordon Brown during his visit this past weekend to the US for the G20 summit when another rightwing Israeli zealot threw a grenade and fired shots during an assassination attempt while Brown was exiting the Waldorf-Astoria hotel where he had been staying and meeting with top American economic officials…

Reference: These secret accounts, of course, represent STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds that the Clintons acquired with the assistance of former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.

Giga Scandal

Fitzgerald probe: Sen. Clinton withdrew stolen funds from Grenada bank


Both Blair and Brown have cooperated with British authorities in detailing the existence of these accounts and their locations.

Both the Clintons and the Bushes aka the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate are facing European RED NOTICES, i.e. indictments in regards to the misuse of these STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds for the use of massive market manipulation involving the noted currency exchange in London aka The Life Exchange.

Note: A joint U.S.-French Intelligence Agency task force, headquartered on European soil, has used PROMIS software and other sophisticated technology to track the ILLEGAL trading practices of the Clintons and the Bushes utilizing STOLEN U.S. and French Treasury funds.


Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate Co-Conspirators

Clinton and Stephanopoulos (L), Karen Hughes and Bushfraud

The facilitators for this ILLEGAL trading include former Clinton White House aide George Stephanopoulos, now ABC News talk show host, and former Bushfraud year 2000 campaign manager and White House aide, Karen Hughes.Again it is clear now, folks, why the UN-electable LOSER Hillary wants to be U.S. Secretary of State.  She needs diplomatic immunity in Europe from prosecution for illegal trading and money laundering.

At this hour, White House occupant Bushfraud has only received immunity on U.S. soil from current U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts aka year 2000 election fixer co-conspirator.

Item: Roberts grant of immunity for Bush as well as the Supreme Court's year 2000 decision to install Bush as White House occupant with bribes and coercion is all a fraud upon the U.S. Supreme Court and has no legal standing whatsoever.

P.S. The secret offshore accounts under the control of Bill and Hillary Clinton are numerical accounts without Bill and Hillary's names appearing on the accounts.

 However, a password must be used to bring the accounts online.  At this point the account numbers and the names of Bill and Hillary appear.

We can now tell you what the password code is:


P.P.S. President-elect Obama is currently being blackmailed on two fronts by the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate.


1. He is, of course, NOT a "natural born" citizen required by the U.S. Constitution to hold the office of president.

All reports trace Obama's birth place to being in Kenya .

However, that is irrelevant since Obama's father was a British citizen and at the time of Obama's birth Kenya was a British colony.

Accordingly, based on the British Citizenship Act of 1948, an individual born to a British citizen is automatically a British citizen no matter where the birth takes place.

So at best Obama is a DUAL citizen and clearly ineligible to be a U.S. president.


2. Obama is being blackmailed by Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate representative Barney Frank on Obama's involvement in 1990 in a pedophile and homosexual party that took place at Barney Frank's noted homosexual whorehouse in Washington, D.C.

Reports have it that Obama was compromised at the party by known Bush-Clinton Crime Family CIA operative George Pender, FBI Division 5 agent Ted Gunderson and former President George Herbert Walker Bush.

Obama's attendance at this gathering was, you might say, his "initiation", as a fulltime British Intelligence asset to be used on American soil.


Reference: In past briefings we have already detailed White House occupant George W. Bush's lifelong closet homosexual relationship with former Yale classmate and now Ambassador to Poland, Victor Ashe, along with unelectable loser and lesbian in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton's lesbian lifestyle, and of course, the noted sexual deviate Bill Clinton.

And, of course, now we have Obama.

The pattern is clear.  The New World Order gang need people in office that they can blackmail and manipulate based on deviate sexual activity.

Homosexual gays and lesbians who are  "IN-THE-CLOSET"  are a  MAJOR THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY  being vulnerable to blackmail and extortion by self-serving, hostile entities against the safety, security, sovereignty and best interests of the American People.

At this hour, we ask the U.S. Military, along with our great ally of 200 years, the Republic of France , to put an end to this nightmare against the American People, its Constitution and proceed with immediate liberation.

The compromised, extortion-friendly American media is totally controlled by the NSA (National Security Agency) and the British MI6-Israeli Mossad occupation gang.

Again, we ask the U.S. Military to do their duty.

As of this hour we live free or die.


Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, said "…I am surrounded by enemies but I shall never stand down in the face of tyrants..."


Stay tuned for emergency reports at any moment as Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the  REAL  President of the United States .



Non-inaugurated, duly elected
President Albert Gore Jr.

International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL -- reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.







 Liberty and Justice for We, the American People

Punishment with Due Prejudice for


"The Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and ALL of their co-conspirators face unprecedented, monumental prosecutions for massive HIGH TREASON against the American People;

thus, before the 2008 election, they are plotting 'False Flag Attacks' in the U.S. with expectations of nullifying and eradicating individual and States rights and freedoms protected by the U.S. Constitution,

via martial law and subjugation of the American People,

in order to stay in control of the compromised U.S. Justice Department to continue sealing Federal Grand Jury (We the People) indictments and hiding them from the American People to avoid convictions and public punishment with due prejudice."

Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

Patriotic, God-loving, peaceful Jewish People are  NOT  the same as the  war mongering ZIONIST KHAZARIAN Jews.



Previous Post: HOT News: Obama Appointment Linked to Stonebridge LLC and TRAITOR Sandy Berger | Back to Blog List


Tuesday, November 18, 2008 

HOT News: Clinton Secret Account Revealed
Category: News and Politics


Explosive Breaking News

Clinton Secret Accounts Revealed

by Tom Heneghan

International Intelligence Expert

Monday  November 17, 2008

United States of America – It can now be revealed that the recent assassination attempts against former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and current British Prime Minister Gordon Brown deal with the secret offshore accounts of both Bill and Hillary Clinton located in Saudi Arabia, Isle of Man, Denmark, Sweden, the Russian Federation as well as Germany.

British Leaders Targeted As 'Horrific' Attack Expected On US

…The first attack these reports say was made against former British Prime Minister Blair, and current International Envoy to West Asia, who while leaving Israel this past week was fired upon by an assailant who was then in turn killed by one of the security agents protecting him. Western news reports are continuing their suppression of the true facts of this attack and are reporting that the attack against Blair at Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion International Airport was instead an 'incident' caused by one of his security guards 'accidentally' firing his weapon.

The second, and more serious attack was an assassination attempt against the current British Prime Minister Gordon Brown during his visit this past weekend to the US for the G20 summit when another rightwing Israeli zealot threw a grenade and fired shots during an assassination attempt while Brown was exiting the Waldorf-Astoria hotel where he had been staying and meeting with top American economic officials…

Reference: These secret accounts, of course, represent STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds that the Clintons acquired with the assistance of former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.

Giga Scandal

Fitzgerald probe: Sen. Clinton withdrew stolen funds from Grenada bank


Both Blair and Brown have cooperated with British authorities in detailing the existence of these accounts and their locations.

Both the Clintons and the Bushes aka the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate are facing European RED NOTICES, i.e. indictments in regards to the misuse of these STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds for the use of massive market manipulation involving the noted currency exchange in London aka The Life Exchange.

Note: A joint U.S.-French Intelligence Agency task force, headquartered on European soil, has used PROMIS software and other sophisticated technology to track the ILLEGAL trading practices of the Clintons and the Bushes utilizing STOLEN U.S. and French Treasury funds.

Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate Co-Conspirators

Clinton and Stephanopoulos (L), Karen Hughes and Bushfraud

The facilitators for this ILLEGAL trading include former Clinton White House aide George Stephanopoulos, now ABC News talk show host, and former Bushfraud year 2000 campaign manager and White House aide, Karen Hughes. Again it is clear now, folks, why the UN-electable LOSER Hillary wants to be U.S. Secretary of State.  She needs diplomatic immunity in Europe from prosecution for illegal trading and money laundering.

At this hour, White House occupant Bushfraud has only received immunity on U.S. soil from current U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts aka year 2000 election fixer co-conspirator.

Item: Roberts grant of immunity for Bush as well as the Supreme Court's year 2000 decision to install Bush as White House occupant with bribes and coercion is all a fraud upon the U.S. Supreme Court and has no legal standing whatsoever.

P.S. The secret offshore accounts under the control of Bill and Hillary Clinton are numerical accounts without Bill and Hillary's names appearing on the accounts. However, a password must be used to bring the accounts online.  At this point the account numbers and the names of Bill and Hillary appear.

We can now tell you what the password code is:


P.P.S. President-elect Obama is currently being blackmailed on two fronts by the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate.


1. He is, of course, NOT a "natural born" citizen required by the U.S. Constitution to hold the office of president.

All reports trace Obama's birth place to being in Kenya .

However, that is irrelevant since Obama's father was a British citizen and at the time of Obama's birth Kenya was a British colony.

Accordingly, based on the British Citizenship Act of 1948, an individual born to a British citizen is automatically a British citizen no matter where the birth takes place.

So at best Obama is a DUAL citizen and clearly ineligible to be a U.S. president.


2. Obama is being blackmailed by Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate representative Barney Frank on Obama's involvement in 1990 in a pedophile and homosexual party that took place at Barney Frank's noted homosexual whorehouse in Washington, D.C.

Reports have it that Obama was compromised at the party by known Bush-Clinton Crime Family CIA operative George Pender, FBI Division 5 agent Ted Gunderson and former President George Herbert Walker Bush.

Obama's attendance at this gathering was, you might say, his "initiation", as a fulltime British Intelligence asset to be used on American soil.


Reference: In past briefings we have already detailed White House occupant George W. Bush's lifelong closet homosexual relationship with former Yale classmate and now Ambassador to Poland, Victor Ashe, along with unelectable loser and lesbian in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton's lesbian lifestyle, and of course, the noted sexual deviate Bill Clinton.

And, of course, now we have Obama.

The pattern is clear.  The New World Order gang need people in office that they can blackmail and manipulate based on deviate sexual activity.

Homosexual gays and lesbians who are  "IN-THE-CLOSET"  are a  MAJOR THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY  being vulnerable to blackmail and extortion by self-serving, hostile entities against the safety, security, sovereignty and best interests of the American People.

At this hour, we ask the U.S. Military, along with our great ally of 200 years, the Republic of France , to put an end to this nightmare against the American People, its Constitution and proceed with immediate liberation.

The compromised, extortion-friendly American media is totally controlled by the NSA (National Security Agency) and the British MI6-Israeli Mossad occupation gang.

Again, we ask the U.S. Military to do their duty.

As of this hour we live free or die.

Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, said "…I am surrounded by enemies but I shall never stand down in the face of tyrants..." 

Stay tuned for emergency reports at any moment as Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the  REAL  President of the United States .

Non-inaugurated, duly elected
President Albert Gore Jr.

International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL -- reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.





 Liberty and Justice for We, the American People

Punishment with Due Prejudice for


"The Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and ALL of their co-conspirators face unprecedented, monumental prosecutions for massive HIGH TREASON against the American People;

thus, before the 2008 election, they are plotting 'False Flag Attacks' in the U.S. with expectations of nullifying and eradicating individual and States rights and freedoms protected by the U.S. Constitution,

via martial law and subjugation of the American People,

in order to stay in control of the compromised U.S. Justice Department to continue sealing Federal Grand Jury (We the People) indictments and hiding them from the American People to avoid convictions and public punishment with due prejudice."

Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

Patriotic, God-loving, peaceful Jewish People are  NOT  the same as the  war mongering ZIONIST KHAZARIAN Jews.


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