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Subterranean Worlds

                       Do We Have a World Within Our World?

An Introduction to The Hollow Earth
by Dennis Crenshaw

Source: Onelight.com

Is the Earth Hollow?

This intriguing question has attracted the attention of free thinkers, scientists and a wide assortment of crackpots back through
the ages.

The most ancient of stories of modern mankind can be found written on the clay tablets of Mesopotamia. Two, "Gilgamesh"
(Table XII) and "The Descent of Ishtar to the Underworld", are about adventures among different kinds of creatures inside the
earth. 1

Plato wrote of enormous subterranean tunnels both broad and narrow that made up the earth's interior. Dr. Edmond Halley, of
comet fame, believed that all heavenly bodies were hollow and in a speech before the members of the Royal Society of London
stated, "Beneath the crust of the Earth, which is 500 feet thick, is a hollow void". Then there was Leonard Euler (1707-1783),
noted mathematician and one of the founders of higher mathematics. He stated that, "mathematically the Earth has to be
hollow". He also believed there "was a center sun inside the Earth's interior, which provided daylight to a splendid subterranean
civilization." 2

Next came Captain John Cleves Symmes, war hero of the War of 1812. Once his studies led him to believe in a Hollow Earth,
he used his knowledge to convince James McBride, a Miami Ohio millionaire. Mr. McBride used his political connections to
Rep. Richard M. Johnson (D) of Kentucky [later vice-president under Van Buren 1837-18411] to petition congress to finance
an expedition to claim the lands inside the earth for the U.S. The petition, by a vote of 56-46 was tabled. 3

The Hollow Earth was next theorized by William Reed in his 1906 book "The Phantom of The Poles". Based on his studies of
early Arctic explorations and scientific evidence, he states that the Earth is not solid as widely believed, but hollow with
openings at both ends. In the summary of his revolutionary theory, Reed states;

"The Earth is hollow. The Poles, so long sought, are phantoms. There are openings at the northern and southern extremities. In
the interior are vast continents, oceans, mountains and rivers. Vegetable and animal life are evident in this New World and it is
probably peopled by races unknown to dwellers on the Earth's surface". 4

Marshall B. Gardner reached the same conclusions after 20 years of researched and published his finding in "A Journey to the
Earth's Interior, or, Have the Poles Really Been Discovered" in 1913, revised 1920. He was unaware of Reed or his theory at
the time. Mr. Gardner puts forth the argument that neither Cook nor Peary reached the True North Pole since, according to the
theory, it does not exist. Mr. Gardner states;

"Scientific societies that considered Cook's and Peary's claims concluded that in neither case could it be said authoritatively that
the explorer had reached the pole". 5

This controversy still exists today.

Science fiction writers have had a field day with the theory. Jules Verne's "Journey to the Center of the Earth, Edgar Rice
Borrough's "Tarzan at the Earth's Core" and scores of other authors have let their talents run wild in the Inner World. Grade-B
film makers know a good theme when they find one also.

Then there are those people who claim to have visited the interior of our planet. Olaf Janson's "The Smoky God", is one such
story that comes to mind. Another is "EDIDORPHA or The End Of The Earth" by John Uri Lloyd published in 1895.

Ray Palmer was one of the first researchers and reporters on the UFO scene during the 50s and 60s. In his ground breaking
publications "Flying Saucers" and Search Magazine he speculated that, because UFOs have been seen in earth's sky throughout
history , they may very well be from our earth, in fact, evidence seemed to indicate that UFOs could very well come from a
subterranean world inside our earth.

Then on the cover of "Flying Saucers" magazine issue #69 - June 1970 and in issue #92 of "Search Magazine" published in July
of 1970, the late Mr. Palmer published a photo that is still a controversy. Excerpts from his Editorial in the above mentioned
"Flying Saucers" magazine tell it best;

"On the cover this month we reproduce the most remarkable photo ever made. It was taken by the ESSA-7 satellite on
November 23, 1968 the North Pole photo lacking clouds in the polar area, therefore reveals the surface of the planet.
Although, surrounding the polar area, and north of such areas as the North American continent and Greenland and the Asian
continent, we can see the ice-fields 8-foot thick ice we do not see any ice fields in a large circular area directly at the
geographic pole. Instead we see THE HOLE!" 6

In 1981 I came into possession of another group of NASA photos showing earth from deep in space which, not only
substantiates the ESSA-7 photos, but adds weight to another feature of the hollow earth theory.

At this point any practical person will start to ask themselves, if this is all true why isn't it common and accepted knowledge. As
Ray Palmer said in one of his articles;

" A government that will not tell you what they know about UFOs would certainly keep the origin of then a secret".

Then there are those researchers who say some of us spend entirely too much time looking at the poles.

"Certain researchers swear the earth is shaped like a giant doughnut and that holes at the poles provide an entrance into the
inner lands. "Not so!" shouts another group. "Entrance to the interior world can be gained only by entering a cave and
discovering the subterranean tunnels.""

Most of the people who claim to have visited the inner lands arrive there through old mine shafts, caves and subterranean
tunnels. Others claim to have traveled through extent volcanoes. There is good solid evidence supporting all these theories.
Evidence also supports the possibility of other hidden entrances to the inner realms in The Bermuda Triangle and other strange
areas around the world. 7

One of these areas of interest in the Pacific Northwestern area of the United States. It was in this area that the name "Flying
Saucers" was first heard.

"On June 24, 1947, Kenneth Arnold, a businessman and commercial pilot from Boise, Idaho, was flying past Mount Rainier, in
Mount Rainier National Park, State of Washington, when he sighted a strange formation of nine luminous saucer-shaped
objects. He related this unusual experience to newsmen and news of the mysterious objects dubbed "flying saucers" was spread
nationwide". 8

UFOs are quite common in the area. In fact the thousands of miles of untrodden land that makes up the extreme Northwestern
part of America hides many unexplained mysteries. This is the land of "Bigfoot" or "Sasquatch" as the local Native Americans
call him. In connection with our research into different possibilities we offer the following interesting story which was reported in
the January 1975 issue of "Saga" by B. Ann Slate;

"In April 1974, Psychic Joyce Partise of Southern California held a sealed envelope in her hands. Unknown to her, that
envelope contained a photograph of a Sasquatch footprint {Ms Partise said] "These things are coming from outer space - it's an
outer space war! The first area will be Portland, Oregon. There's a mountain with a hole in it. Someone should investigate this
mountain because they're down in there already. You know those hairy things that run around, the ape man? He's not an ape.
They're underground, in contact with outer space and their intentions toward mankind is total destruction!.. this gorilla man -
there's a civilization of thousands of them their eyes are extremely light sensitive from being underground. These tunnels I'm
seeing is part of their habitation. They've dug them. I think it may even go into California" 9

Just south of the Oregon - California border the snow-capped peak of mysterious Mt. Shasta keeps her secrets. Locally there
are whispers of certain merchants quietly doing business, for gold, with strange young looking men with piercing blue eyes
wearing unusual clothing and footwear, who mysteriously, upon completing their business fade away into the wilderness. Are
these mysterious consumers from the legendary underground city of "Telos" said to exist under Mt. Shasta? Could they actually
be descendants of the lost continent of "Lemuria". Could the strange men seen in the small communities of the area be on a
"munchies run" for their underground friends? Anything is possible in the realm of the underground.

1 Myths From Mesopotamia. Stephanie Dalley. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press. 1989.

2 This Hollow Earth. Eric Norman. New York: Lancer Books. 1972

3 History of Congress. The Congressional Record. January 1823. Pages 698-699 "Symmes Theory".

4 Phantom of the Poles. William Reed. New York: Walter S. Rockey Company. 1906

5 A Journey to the Earth's Interior. Marshall B. Gardner. Aurora, Illinois. By the Author. 1920

6 Flying Saucers. #69 - June 1970. Ray Palmer (Publisher).

7 The Under-People. Eric Norman. New York: Award Books. 1969.

8 The UFO Guidebook. Compiled by Norman J. Briazack & Simon Mennick. Secaucus, N.J.: Citadel Press. 1978.

9 Saga Magazine; "UFO Gods and Inner Space", by B. Ann Slade; Jan 17, 1975

The Hollow Earth Insider Research Report
(c) 1995 by D. G. Crenshaw

Please mail your inquiries to:

D. G. Crenshaw
P.O. Box 918
Yulee, Florida 32097


                                        Chapter Two

Our Earth IS Hollow! -- The Scientific Evidence

Source: Our Hollow Earth!

Therefore, let us take the evidence of the scientific community as presented by John M. Prytz in his article, "The Hollow Earth
Hoax," and see how well his evidence recorded in high school texts, even in elementary texts, stands up against the first-hand
observations of trained observers.

Number One item of Prytz's "factual evidence explaining why the hollow earth (and it's polar openings) cannot exist," states:

"The North polar area is covered with water, commonly known as the Arctic Ocean. It has an area of 3,622,200 square miles
and an average depth of 4,362 feet. This Arctic Ocean is the name for water North of the continental land masses in the region
of the Arctic Circle, and is often covered with pack ice. If any polar opening were present, the water under the force of gravity
would drain into the hole, like the water which drains into a sink drain. Therefore, either the hollow earth would be FLOODED
TO CAPACITY, or else water would still be draining down the hole, not only causing a gigantic whirlpool, but also lowering
the level of all the world's oceans--such a drop has not been noticed."

Our answer to Mr. Prytz is that the North Polar Opening does indeed exist. However, the Arctic Ocean does not "drain" into
the "hole," because the earth's principal center of gravity is not at it's center, as would be the case if the earth were a solid

A look at my drawing of Our Hollow Earth which is a center section through the earth's polar axis, we see that the earth's shell
is approximately 800 miles from the outer to the inner surface. The earth's atmosphere extends from the inner surface, as it does
on the outer surface, upward 600 miles and 4,600 miles inside our earth is PURE SPACE--a vacuum. Any student of physics
knows that gravity is caused by mass. Empty space alone does not produce the force of gravity.

Granted, an inner sun would contain some of the mass of the earth, but very little, in comparison to the shell. Because our earth
is hollow and not a solid sphere, a small center of gravity is located in the inner sun, but because the preponderance of mass in
a hollow earth is located in its shell, the primary center of gravity is located in the shell, somewhere between the outer and inner
surfaces, and describes a sphere -- a central sphere of gravity. Because of higher density in the earth's crust toward the inner
side of our planet, the central sphere of gravity is located 700 miles down in our 800 mile thick crust -- according to the Inner
Earth guide in ETIDORPHA. (ETIDORPHA, p. 193) Explorer Olaf Jansen, who supposed the earth's crust to be 300 miles
thick, explained the earth's center of gravity thus:

"Sir James Ross claimed to have discovered the magnetic pole at about seventy-four degrees latitude. This is wrong--the
magnetic pole is exactly one-half the distance through the earth's crust. Thus, if the earth's crust is three hundred miles in
thickness, which is the distance I estimate it to be, then the magnetic pole is undoubtedly one hundred and fifty miles below the
surface of the earth, it matters not where the test is made. And at this particular point one hundred and fifty miles below the
surface, gravity ceases, becomes neutralized; and when we pass beyond that point on toward the 'inside' surface of the earth, a
reverse attraction geometrically increases in power, until the other one hundred and fifty miles of distance is traversed, which
would bring us out on the 'inside' of the earth."

"Thus, if a hole were bored down through the earth's crust at London, Paris, New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles, a distance
of three hundred miles, it would connect the two surfaces. While the inertia and momentum of a weight dropped in from the
'outside' surface would carry it far past the magnetic center, yet, before reaching the 'inside' surface of the earth it would
gradually diminish in speed, after passing the halfway point, finally pause and immediately fall back toward the 'outside' surface,
and continue thus to oscillate like the swinging of a pendulum with the power removed, until it would finally rest at the magnetic
center, or at that particular point exactly one-half the distance between the 'outside' surface and the 'inside' surface of the earth."
(THE SMOKY GOD, pp. 160-162)

Therefore, if we were to go over the 1200 mile curve of the North Polar Opening, which is the semicircumference of a 800 mile
estimate of the earth's crust, we would always be exerted toward the central sphere of gravity of earth's mass, which contrary
to popular opinion is not primarily in the center of the earth but 700 miles below our feet.

As such the Arctic Ocean would no more empty into the "hole" than could the Australian Continent fall out into space.

Let us take Prytz's SECOND objection to the Hollow Earth Theory. He states, "No unknown land masses exist in the area
attributed to where the North Polar Opening theoretically exists."

The orthodox scientific theory concerning the north pole is that the arctic region around the pole is an ocean covered by an
ice-cap. With this mental picture in mind, arctic explorers down through history have tried to "go to the pole." In their
expeditions to reach the north pole nearly every explorer has admitted that when he got into the far north, his theories of what
he should find did not hold and his methods of finding his positions failed to function as expected. What good then, is a theory
that fails to hold up under the facts? Prytz would have the reader believe that because no land is shown on north polar maps in
high school texts, that such lands do not exist!

But the facts do not support the ice-cap-in-the-Arctic theory of orthodox scientific opinion. The observations of the polar
explorers, on the other hand, do support the Hollow Earth Theory of lands inside the polar regions which have even a
subtropical climate. Let us examine, therefore, the descriptions of polar explorers of what they observed in the polar region and
then ask ourselves, does the evidence support a polar ice-cap theory or does it support the Hollow Earth Theory with polar
openings leading to a land inside Our Hollow Earth?

Observations by north polar explorers indicate that there is indeed a land in the far north with a subtropical climate heated by a
sister sun inside Our Hollow Earth. For example, Explorer's reports of abundant animal and bird life in the summer time in the
far north indicates a homeland in the north from which they extend in the summer further south and to which they are seen to
migrate in the fall.

Explorer Hays observed abundant insect life in the far north. When he was in latitude 78 degrees, 17 minutes in early July he
said, "I secured a yellow-winged butterfly, and--who would believe it--a mosquito...ten moths, three spiders, two bees and two
flies." (The Open Polar Sea, p. 413)

Notice the element of surprise that many explorers expressed resulting from the discovery of conditions which they weren't

Explorer Greely, in his book, THREE YEARS OF ARCTIC SERVICE, in Grinnell Land in June of 1881, reports birds of an
unknown species, butterflies, bumblebees, so many flies they couldn't sleep at night, and temperatures of 47 and 50 degrees at
latitude 81 degrees 49 minutes north. He also found plenty willow to make fire, and much driftwood, (Chapter 26, Vol. I)

A swedish expedition under Otto Torell, found near Trurenberg Bay in the Arctic Sea, trees floating with green buds on them
and among them was found the seed of the tropical Entada Bean which measured 2.25 inches across. (Gardner, p. 253)

Explorer Sverdrup at 81 degrees north found so many hares that they named one inlet, Hare Fiord. Also nearly all expedition
parties found enough game to keep their exploring parties well fed with meat. These included herds of musk-oxen and reindeer.
(Gardner p. 254)

Captain Beechey saw so many birds on the west coast of Spitzbergen that sometimes a single shot killed thirty of them.
(Gardner p. 254)

All explorers observed that not all animals migrate south to escape the cold Arctic winds in winter, but many instead go north.
Where do they go? Greely, surprised at the tremendous amount of wildlife in a supposed frozen north wrote, "Surely this
presence of birds and flowers and beasts was a greeting on nature's part to our new home."

Explorer Kane reported seeing several groups of Brent Geese, which is an American migratory bird, flying NORTHEAST in
their wedge-shaped line of flight at 80 degrees 50' north at Cape Jackson, near Grinnelland in late June 1854.

Explorer Greely makes this statement of the northward migration of bears, "Lieutenant Lockwood, in May, 1882, noticed bear
tracks (going NORTHEAST) on the north coast of Greenland, near Cape Benet in 83 degrees 3' N.," and commented, "...I
cannot understand why the bear ever leaves the rich hunting-field of the 'North Water' for the desolate shores of the
northward." (THREE YEARS, p. 366)

Greely also wrote about the Ross Gull, "...the observations of Murdoch at Point Barrow show that this bird, in thousands,
passes over that point to the NORTHEAST in October, none of which were seen to return." (THREE YEARS, p. 383)

Explorer Adolf Erick Nordenskiold, leader of a Swedish expedition, recorded in THE ARCTIC VOYAGE OF 1858-1878,
that on May 23, they saw north of Amsterdam Island (by Spitzbergen), "great numbers of barnacle geese...flying towards the
NORTHWEST, perhaps to some land more northerly than Spitzbergen. (There is no such land on our present-day maps) The
existence of such a land," wrote Nordenskiold, "is considered quite certain by the walrus-hunters, who state that at the most
northerly point hitherto reached, such flocks of birds are seen steering their course in rapid flight yet farther toward the north."
(Gardner, p. 160)

Daines Barrington, in his book, ON THE POSSIBILITY OF APPROACHING THE NORTH POLE, wrote that observers
in Spitzbergen have always noticed in spring, just before the hatching season, the wild ducks, geese, and other birds, fly in a
northerly direction. There is also a heavy fall migration to the north.

In HEARNES JOURNAL, is told of observations around Hudson's Bay by Hearne of ten species of geese, particularly the
snow goose, blue goose, brent goose, horned wavy goose, lay their eggs and raise their young in some country which to
Hearne was unknown. Explorers, Indians and Eskimos could never tell where these fowl bred and it was well known that they
never migrated to the south.

Epes Sargent in his WONDERS OF THE ARCTIC WORLD tells that Franklin's second expedition saw large numbers of
laughing geese migrating to the unknown north--sure indication of land to the north. And this was observed on the north coast
of Canada latitude 69 degrees 29" N., longitude 130 degrees 19 minutes W., on July 13. (Sargent, p. 163).

Newton in his ARCTIC MANUAL, wrote as follows concerning the migrations of the Knot, "The knot...in the spring seeks
our island (England) in immense flocks, and after remaining on the coast for about a fortnight, can be traced proceeding
gradually northwards, until finally, it takes leave of us. It has been noticed in Iceland and Greenland, but not to stay; the summer
there would be too rigorous for its liking, and it goes further and further north. Whither? Where does it build its nest and hatch
its young? We loose all trace of it for some weeks. What becomes of it?"

"Toward the end of summer back it comes to us in larger flocks than before, and both old birds and young birds remain upon
our coasts until November, or, in mild seasons even later. Then it wings its flight to the south, and luxuriates in blue skies and
balmy airs until the following spring, then it resumes the order of its migration." (Gardner pp. 259-260) Surely these migrations
indicate a land further north than Greenland and Spitzbergen with an ideal climate for the breeding grounds of these migratory
birds and animals.

Many explorers noticed a rise in temperature the farther north they went. For example, Nansen reported that a northwind in the
winter is warmer than a south wind. On Jan. 18, 1894 at 79 degrees N., Nansen wrote, "It is curious that there is almost
always a rise of thermometer with these stronger winds...A south wind of less velocity generally lowers the temperature, and a
moderate north wind RAISES it." (FARTHEST NORTH, Vol. I, p. 197) Two months later on March 4th, Nansen also wrote,
"It is curious that now the northerly winds bring cold and the southerly warmth. Earlier in the winter IT WAS JUST THE
OPPOSITE." This obviously indicates the existence of a warmer land toward the north from which the warm wind blows in the

In Roald Amundsen's FIRST CROSSING OF THE POLAR SEA, by dirigible, May 12, 1926, this rise in temperature toward
the pole was also recorded. Upon leaving Spitzbergen the temperature was minus 8 degrees centigrade. Then the temperature
at the altitude of flight sank steadily from 5 degrees below freezing over King's Bay to 12 degrees below zero on 88 degrees
north on the European side of the pole. FROM THIS PLACE IT BEGAN TO RISE SLOWLY. The temperature at the pole
was 2 degrees below zero. That is an increase of 10 degrees! (FIRST CROSSING, p. 230)

In the soviet flight of Mikhail Gromov, of the Soviet Air Force, in an article titled, "Across the North Pole to America," he
recorded a similar increase of temperature at the pole. Flying above Franz Josef Land at 13,000 feet, the temperature was
minus 16 degrees Centigrade. But at the pole at 8,850 feet the temperature was recorded at minus 8 degrees C--an 8 degree
increase in temperature. Both Amundsen and Gromov changed direction after calculating with the sextant that they were at the

It must be understood that when explorers say they have reached the pole, that this means that they have reached a point on the
curvature of the earth in the Arctic or Antarctic where the angle of the sun over the horizon on their sextant readings indicates
that they are farthest north for the north pole or farthest south for the south pole. Since it is difficult for explorers to measure
distances in the Arctic or Antarctic directly, distances were measured by determining the latitude with the sextant. Explorers
would travel a certain distance north, for example, take a reading with the sextant and based on that reading and the distance to
the pole as shown on a map, they then calculated how many miles they had traveled.

Today, however, with the advent of navigational satellites, geographic determination of location is determined with the GPS, the
Global Positioning System. With hand-held devices, anyone can receive the satellite signals from the GPS to determine their
latitude and longitude. With overflights of the poles and submarines criss-crossing the Arctic, one would rightly wonder why the
polar openings haven't been openly discovered and published to the world. Certainly such a discovery must world-shaking,
mind shattering, and revolutionary to our sciences. Our physics books would have to be re-written. Certainly the poles have
been attained. Which strongly suggests that any polar openings would have to be located to one side or other of the poles.
Such discovery, however, is still World Top Secret.

Still, however strangely it might seem, there are indications that the polar openings do exist! Another evidence of the polar
openings is found in the surprised comments of explorers upon finding the fog conditions at the poles. The May 1926,
Amundsen dirigible expedition noted that from Spitzbergen, "For more than eleven hours we flew in brilliant sunshine. On 87
degrees latitude we met with fog, which, however, soon disappeared. Between 88 degrees and 89 degrees latitude we came
into a new belt of fog. The fog lay, however, so low that we could fly over it by rising to 7,000 meters altitude."

From our theory, we obtain a ready answer concerning the origin of these belts of fog--they come as result of the warm moist
air currents issuing from the polar opening, which as they meet the lower cold air next to the ice, condense into fog.

Continuing, Malmgren wrote, "At the Pole itself the fog thinned. The weather, as if for the occasion, at this longed-for spot on
the earth's surface, can be described in a few words. The sky for the most part was covered with stratocumulus and
altocumulus clouds. There was a complete cessation of wind. The temperature at about 300 meters altitude was 2 degrees
below zero. From the pole we set our course towards Point Barrow. The journey from the Pole was, at the beginning, favored
with good visibility, but between 86 and 85 degrees latitude we met with continuous fog." And notice was made of "...the
temperature in the layer of air nearest the ice was from 3-4 degrees lower than that higher up..."

Commenting on this phenomenon, Malmgren, Amundsen's meteorologist on the expedition wrote, "One of the problems that
the expedition has brought to life refers to the polar fog. Why is it that over the monotonous plain which is formed by the polar
sea there occur regions, close to one another, with and without fog, often without any changes in atmospheric temperature
being observable? Are the lowermost air-layers so conservative that they can still, in the polar sea, retain memories from their
more southerly existence? Or is the phenomenon due--which, however, appears incredible--to the variations in the heat
development between the air and the underlying ice?" (FIRST CROSSING OF THE POLAR SEA, pp. 272, 280, 281)
Notice how Malmgren is puzzled by the temperature difference of the different layers of air suggesting currents from a more
southerly or warmer climate.

In the book, POLAR AVIATION, by Lt. Col. C.V. Glines, USAF, is this comment about the temperature difference between
the upper and lower air strata as a Douglas DC-3 transport descended in the first landing at the south pole: "Because of a polar
phenomenon called inversion, the temperature dropped as the plane lost altitude." (p. 146) You see, it is called temperature
inversion at the poles because normally in other parts of the world, air gets colder the higher up you go. Couldn't it be that
higher layers of air are warmer at the poles because as warm air comes from the polar openings it rises above the colder,
heavier air next to the ice?

Just where can heat and fog come from in the frozen polar "ice-caps"? Obviously, the answer is that they come from the warm,
moist air currents emanating from the polar openings which are located farther and beyond the sextant located "poles."

Who then, are we to believe? Here are trained observers, explorers of the arctic and antarctic reporting phenomena indicating
that there must be a warmer land to the north from which all kinds of wildlife come and return. Or are we to believe the theories
of textbook writers who have never been there? Surely if we disbelieve the explorers observations, we could go into the arctic
and see for ourselves that it gets warmer the farther north we go past 88 degrees latitude. We could observe for ourselves the
wildlife migrating to the unknown northland.

However, not only does wildlife, and warm winds and fog come out of the north, but evidence points to the origin of icebergs in
the far northland. The north polar sea is covered by ice which is frozen from fresh water and floats on a salty sea. The origin of
so much ice that it covers thousands of square miles, has been a long-time puzzle to scientists. The fact is that salty sea water
does not freeze solid at temperatures found at the poles. The ice that covers the Arctic Ocean is salt-less. Explorer Nansen
noticed that the icebergs in the Arctic Ocean are stratified and that they often contain driftwood, clay and rocks. This obviously
indicates that these icebergs originate in rivers which have slowly frozen over causing the stratification layers of water freezing as
it flowed over ice wedged between it's banks, where rocks and clay were scraped off when the bergs eventually were pushed
out to sea. However, there are not enough rivers or even glaciers around the polar sea to give origin to so much ice. So where
do the icebergs come from?

A writer named William Reed, wrote in his book, PHANTOM OF THE POLES, in 1906 of his theory that these icebergs that
fill the Arctic Ocean actually come from inside Our Hollow Earth. And this, in fact, is what was reported by an explorer who
claimed he reached the land within the polar openings in 1829. On April 3 of that year, Olaf Jansen and his father, Jens Jansen
left their home in Stockholm, Sweden on a voyage that took them past the arctic ice through leads in the ice-flows, and into the
ice-free land on the other side of the north polar opening. There they were taken in by the people and lived among this
advanced race for two years, then returned to the outside world by way of the south polar opening in 1831. Olaf later had his
epic voyage published and can be obtained from out-of-print publishers by the title, THE SMOKY GOD.

In his book, Olaf reports that, "...about three-fourths of the 'inner' surface of the earth is land and about one-fourth water.
There are numerous rivers of tremendous size, some flowing in a northerly direction and others southerly. Some of these rivers
are thirty miles in width, and it is out of these vast waterways, at the extreme northern and southern parts of the 'inside' surface
of the earth, in regions where low temperatures are experienced that fresh water icebergs are formed. They are then pushed out
to sea like huge tongues of ice, by the abnormal freshets of turbulent waters that twice every year, sweep everything before
them." (THE SMOKY GOD, pp. 122, 123)

Because of the earth's 23½ degree inclination to the plane of its orbit about the sun, the sun's rays, once each year, strike the
polar lip at right angles melting the ice loose at the mouths of the inner-earth rivers within the polar openings which then empty
their fresh water icebergs into the Arctic and Antarctic oceans.

In connection with the origin of the icebergs is the origin of the remains of tropical wildlife which are found in the Arctic. Robert
B. Cook, writing in the magazine KNOWLEDGE for 1884, tells of the remains of not only mammoths but of hairy rhinoceros,
reindeer, hippopotamus, lion, and hyena, found in the northern glacial deposits and cannot explain why the supposedly extinct
prehistoric mammoth is lying side by side of the remains of present-day wildlife. The truth of the matter is that all these animals
were trapped in the frozen rivers in the interior and floated out in the icebergs many of which came to rest on the shores of
Siberia and other northern coasts thereby depositing their trapped and preserved loads of frozen animals.

In fact, a mammoth was actually found encased in an iceberg. In J.W. Buel's, THE WORLD'S WONDER'S, we read that in
1799, a fisherman of Tongoose, named Schumachoff discovered a tremendous elephant preserved in a huge block of ice clear
as crystal along the banks of the river Lena. The flesh was cut off for dog meat and fed upon by wolves until as a skeleton it
was removed to St. Petersburg Museum of Natural History. Other fresh frozen mammoths were later discovered and scientific
banquets featuring ancient foods including the supposedly ancient frozen mammoth were held.

However, the mammoth's true place of origin is from within Our Hollow Earth. In Olaf Jansen's journeys inside Our Hollow
Earth he reported, "One day we saw a great herd of elephants. There must have been five hundred of these thunderthroated
monsters, with their restlessly waving trunks. They were tearing huge boughs from the trees and trampling smaller growth into
dust like so much hazel-brush. They would average over 100 feet in length and from 75 to 85 in height." (THE SMOKY GOD,
p. 126)

Olaf further explains that from these vast herds many venture near the frozen river mouths in winter and fall into crevasses in the
ice where they are instantly frozen and later when in the summer, our sun shines through the polar opening to thaw the ice loose,
the rivers push the icebergs out to sea. The icebergs then, gradually make their way to arctic coasts of the outside world where
vast graveyards of bone and even frozen animals have been discovered.

The claims of explorer Olaf Jansen are truly fantastic. However, he was not the only explorer we have record of who attained
the land of Our Hollow Earth and returned to tell of it. Another account is given to us by Dr. Nephi Cottom of Los Angeles, in
which he reported that one of his patients of Nordic descent told him the following account of his voyage into the land of Our
Hollow Earth:

"I lived near the Arctic Circle in Norway. One summer my friend and I made up our minds to take a boat trip together, and go
as far as we could into the north country. So we put one months' food provisions in a small fishing boat, and with sail and also a
good engine in our boat, we set to sea."

"At the end of one month we had traveled far into the north, beyond the Pole and into a strange new country. We were much
astonished at the weather there. Warm, and at times at night it was almost too warm to sleep. Then we saw something so
strange that we both were astonished. Ahead of the warm open sea we were on was what looked like a great mountain. Into
that mountain at a certain point the ocean seemed to be emptying. Mystified, we continued in that direction and found ourselves
sailing into a vast canyon leading into the interior of the Earth. We kept sailing and then we saw what surprised us--a sun shining
inside the earth!"

"The ocean that had carried us into the hollow interior of the Earth gradually became a river. This river led, as we came to
realize later, all through the inner surface of the world from one end to the other. It can take you, if you follow it long enough,
from the North Pole clear through to the South Pole."

"We saw that the inner surface of the earth was divided, as the other one is, into both land and water. There is plenty of
sunshine and both animal and vegetable life abounds there. We sailed further and further into this fantastic country, fantastic
because everything was huge in size as compared with things on the outside. Plants are big, trees gigantic and finally we came to

"They were dwelling in homes and towns, just as we do on the Earth's surface. And they used a type of electrical conveyance
like a mono-rail car, to transport people. It ran along the river's edge from town to town."

"Several of the inner earth inhabitants--huge giants--detected our boat on the river, and were quite amazed. They were,
however, quite friendly. We were invited to dine with them in their homes, and so my companion and I separated, he going with
one giant to that giant's home and I going with another giant to his home."

"My gigantic friend brought me home to his family, and I was completely dismayed to see the huge size of all the objects in his
home. The dinner table was colossal. A plate was put before me and filled with a portion of food so big it would have fed me
abundantly an entire week. The giant offered me a cluster of grapes and each grape was as big as one of our peaches. I tasted
one and found it far sweeter than any I had ever tasted 'outside.' In the interior of the Earth all the fruits and vegetables taste far
better and more flavorsome than those we have on the outer surface of the Earth."

"We stayed with the giants for one year, enjoying their companionship as much as they enjoyed knowing us. We observed
many strange and unusual things during our visit with these remarkable people, and were continually amazed at their scientific
progress and inventions. All of this time they were never unfriendly to us, and we were allowed to return to our own home in
the same manner in which we came--in fact, they courteously offered their protection if we should need it for the return
voyage." (RAINBOW CITY AND THE INNER EARTH PEOPLE, Michael X. pp. 17, 18)

These evidences of wildlife in the north from whence the icebergs, warm winds, fog, and frozen mammoths come, and these
histories of actual explorers reaching that land, help to establish the fact that there does exist great land masses within the north
polar opening.

John M. Prytz, in his article, "The Hollow Earth Hoax," states his third objection to the hollow earth theory: "Consider the U.S.
Atomic submarines which have traveled under the ice in crossing the Arctic Ocean and going under the pole could never have
been possible (if the polar opening exists)."

In the explorations of the Russians in the Arctic Ocean, it would seem that they already know about that land within Our
Hollow Earth that Prytz says does not exist. From Scientific American, comes this revealing paragraph of the Russian
discoveries: "Exploration and research have shown that an enormous region of the earth's surface and correspondingly large
realms of the UNKNOWN may be brought within the compass of human understanding in a very few years. The data thus far
amassed by expeditions and ice stations fill more than 120 volumes; the list of books, monographs and articles that is emerging
from THAT data already exceeds 600 titles..." (SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, "The Arctic Ocean," by P. A. Gordienko, May,

Since the discovery of Our Hollow Earth by Admiral Richard E. Byrd in 1929, there has been an international cover-up of this,
the WORLD'S TOP SECRET. And the publicizing of the atomic submarine's passing under the pole was part of that cover-up.
If there has not been a cover-up, then just WHERE are all those 120 volumes proving there are "enormous regions of the
earth's surface and correspondingly large realms of the UNKNOWN"? According to the textbooks, all large unknown regions
of the earth's surface today are nonexistent! Especially in the Arctic Ocean, which supposedly has been crisscrossed thousands
of times and completely mapped!

On February, 1947, Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy, before his seven-hour flight of 1,700 miles
beyond the North Pole, said, "I'd like to see that LAND BEYOND THE POLE. That area beyond the Pole is the center of the
great UNKNOWN." (WORLD'S BEYOND THE POLES, F. Amadeo Gianinni)

Consider the testimony of the late Ray Palmer, of SEARCH and FLYING SAUCERS magazines, in which he testifies of
Byrd's discovery of Our Hollow Earth in 1929. Palmer lived in Amherst, Wisconsin. He wrote in his magazine, that about three
miles away is the hometown of the late Lloyd K. Grenlie who was a friend of his. Grenlie "...was the radio-man on Admiral
Byrd's expedition to the South Pole in 1926 and to both poles in 1929."

"It was emphatically denied that he made flights to BOTH poles in 1929." However, Palmer continued, "That year a newsreel
could be seen in America's theaters which described BOTH flights, and also showed newsreel photographs of the 'land beyond
the pole (north) with its mountains, trees, rivers, and a large animal identified as a mammoth.'"

"Today this newsreel apparently does not exist, although hundreds of my readers remember as I do, this movie short. Thus, I
have it on my own personal viewing of this movie short, and from the radio-man who went with Byrd to that land beyond the
pole and SAW the things recorded on that film, that this unknown, unchartered, and presently denied land exists!" (FLYING
SAUCERS, Sept. 1970)

According to our theory, the original geographic poles of the earth were located in space--in the center of the polar openings,
several miles directly above a person standing on the polar lip. Since the earth was created in rotation, centrifugal force would
have thrown matter outward from the center leaving a mass in the earth's core that later became the central sun. On the first day
of creation when the earth's core was "turned on" in the process of nuclear fussion, God said, "Let there be Light." At that time,
the interior sun began to shine. Any matter further away from the central core would have been thrown outward away from the
center by centrifugal force to form the earth's shell. This rotational centrifugal force would have resulted in a shell and a hollow
interior with a core suspended in the center by the force of gravity acting on it from all directions. At the poles, centrifugal force
would have formed the polar openings.

The guide in ETIDORPHA, explained that there is also a spiritual foundation to the earth, "The earth forming principle consists
of an invisible sphere of energy that, spinning through space, supports the space dust which collects on it, as dust on a bubble.
By gradual accumulation of substance on that sphere a hollow ball has resulted, on the outer surface of which you have hither to
dwelt. The crust of the earth is comparatively thin, not more than eight hundred miles in average thickness, and is held in
position by the central sphere of energy (center of gravity, or central sphere of gravity) that now exists at a distance about seven
hundred miles beneath the ocean level." (ETIDORPHA, p. 193)

However, later, perhaps at the time of the world-wide cataclysm that produced Noah's flood, the earth has been tipped on it's
axis, perhaps even more than once, so that today, the polar openings are located off to the one side or other of the earth's axis.
This would explain why the pole can be reached from some directions, but not another, such as the Soviet fliers that flew north
from the Kara Sea and were lost when they flew into the polar opening. And yet Amundsen was able to fly over the pole in his
dirigible when flying from Spitzbergen to Alaska.

There is a way to determine if someone has reached the pole or if he has only attained some point on the lip of the polar
openings. If the earth were round, without polar openings, then at the geographic pole the sun should be the same distance
above the horizon throughout any one arctic or antarctic day. But if there is a hole, the farthest north or south a person can go
would be the rim of the polar opening when approaching the pole from the side of the pole that the opening is located on. If an
explorer were located on the polar rim of the north polar opening, he would be unable to go any further north, and the sun
would appear to rise and fall throughout each day as it makes its apparent round of the arctic sky indicating that he had not yet
reached the polar axis of the earth. At the exact polar axis of the earth, the sun should remain the same distance above the
horizons all day long.

Explorers use an instrument called a sextant to determine if they have reached the pole. It is a navigation instrument that
determines latitude north and south of the equator by determining the height the sun should be above the horizon for any specific
latitude. At different times of the year, the degrees the sun would be above the horizon at the theoretical geographic pole are
different. On the summer solstice, the angle should be 23½ degrees, and if there are no polar openings, that angle should
NEVER be greater than 23½ degrees, which is the maximum angle of the earth's axis to its orbital plane about the sun. An
angle of greater than 23½ degrees could be obtained only on the lip of a polar opening. As one advanced into the polar
opening, the sun would appear to swing from low above the horizon to very high up to 90% -- such as happens at the equator.

If an explorer would stay at the pole during an entire season that the sun is above the horizon, he would notice that as the
summer advances, the sun will rise higher and higher above the horizon. On any one day, it will circle around the sky at the
same distance above the horizon, if he is indeed located at the geographic polar axis of the earth. However, if the explorer
discovers that the sun rises and falls throughout the day and angles greater than 23½ degrees are noticed, this would prove
conclusively that he has not reached the geographic pole but instead has reached a point on the polar rim. This observation
should be more accurate if taken at the south "pole" where the United States has a base, because observations there would not
be subject to the movement of ocean currents as such a base would be at the north "pole." For further discussion of the location
and size of the polar openings see Location and Size of the Polar Openings.

The fact that the magnetic pole does not coincide with the geographic pole is an evidence that our earth is hollow. Apparently,
the earth has been tiped on its axis since creation leaving the interior sun in its original orientation. This caused the nonalignment
of the earth's magnetic pole with its rotational axis. This is an evidence that the earth is hollow with a central sun which gives rise
to the earth's geomagnetic field. The earth's shell rotating about the nearly stationary interior sun, both having electrical charges,
positive for the inner sun and negative for the shell, is what produces the earth's geomagnetic field and causes the compass to
point north. If the earth were solid throughout, the geomagnetic pole would coincide with the earth's rotational axis. Instead, the
magnetic poles revolve around the arctic/antarctic in magnetic orbits indicating that the earth is hollow and has been tiped from
its original orientation with a core that is rotating at a slower rate than the shell. The core most likely would have retained its
original orientation.

Raymond Bernard wrote concerning the revolving magnetic pole, "The first observation (of the magnetic declination) was made
in London in 1580 and showed an easterly declination of 11 degrees. In 1814 the declination reached 24.3 degrees westerly
maximum. This makes a difference of 35.3 degrees change in 235 years...The focal point, or the actual 'pinpoint' of the
magnetic pole exists on only one portion of the circumference of that circle at a time, and moves progressively around the circle
in a definite 'orbit'." (THE HOLLOW EARTH, pp. 57-58)

Here also is the reason why some polar explorers say their compass needles dip down in the far north and others say that it
dips up, each depending on which side of the polar opening they are located. When the Russians reported that their compass
needle pointed down for a thousand miles across the Arctic Ocean, they were on the side of the polar opening in which the
magnetic pole is located. Olaf Jansen, on the other hand was on the opposite side of the polar opening in 1829, northeast of
Franz Josef Land when he noticed his compass needle to point upwards across the polar opening to the other side where the
magnetic pole was then located.

In the chapter of this book entitled, "A Proposal for an Expedition to Our Hollow Earth" is shown how gyroscopes and radar
readings can also be used to prove the existence of the polar openings.

Prytz' fourth objection states: "The floor of the Arctic Ocean has been reasonably well charted and mapped -- no trace of any
polar opening has been found."

From an article of Ray Palmer in his FLYING SAUCERS magazine we read of the difficulty there has been in mapping the
polar regions: "More significant are the unfavorable references to former cartographers whose maps are now 'thick clouds
congealed in the imagination of cartographers as land masses.' The Navy, as an example, feels a bit put out when the Army
says their missing South Pole mountains were never there, because the Army cannot find them by their own confused reckoning
based on a magnetic pole which 'isn't there at all.' We find now that new land areas are 'discovered' and old maps tossed out
because the lands they show are not there anymore."

What is obviously taking place is that the map makers are not taking into account the expanded land area encompassing the
polar openings but are trying to cram it all into a small area leading up to an imaginary physical pole end of the earth.

Arctic explorer Nansen was an expert navigator but frequently confessed that he could not find islands that had been previously
mapped in the far north. In 1895, 82 degrees 8 minutes north on June 11th, Nansen confessed he was lost, "We do not know
where we are, and we do not know when this will end." A few days later he wrote, "I have calculated and calculated and
thought and thought, but can find no mistake of any importance, and the whole thing is a riddle to me." After finally returning to
civilization, he commented on his journey in the arctic: "Where was Dove Glacier and the whole of Wilczek Land? Where were
the islands which Payer had named Braun Island, Hoffman Island, and Freden Island?...I pondered for a long time over the
question how such a mistake could have crept into a map by such a man as Payer -- an experienced topographer, whose
maps, as a rule, bear the stamp of great accuracy and care, and a polar traveler for whose ability I have always entertained a
high respect." (FARTHEST NORTH, Fridtjof Nansen, Vol. I., p. 579)

From Nansen's experience it is evident that any explorer's discovery of land in the far north is hard to be relocated with the
conventional idea of the arctic's configuration. Actually the reason for confusion comes because there is more surface of the
earth in the Arctic because of the polar opening which explorers did not take into account on their maps.

This difficulty in relocating land mapped in the arctic makes it doubtful that the arctic has been mapped to any degree of
accuracy except if such mapping has been kept a secret in which the polar openings are taken into account. Certainly our
textbooks contain no such maps.

In recent years, the deployment of the Landsat satellites have provided detailed coverage of the earth in photographs of the
surface from space. With the near-polar orbits of Landsat satellites, permitting the acquisition of data over the entire globe, it is
difficult to imagine why pictures of the polar regions are not available from NASA. (AVAILABILITY OF EARTH
RESOURCES DATA, U.S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey, p. 4) My question is: What are they trying to hide?

In 1982, I sent an application to EROS Data Center for satellite pictures of the entire polar region north of 80 N. latitude. They
sent me an inch thick computer printout listing thousands of Landsat photos. But not one photograph was north of 80 North.
Why? Because they are "unavailable." Yet Landsat satellites are in near POLAR orbit. It has been rationalized that polar
photos are unavailable for strategic-defense reasons. If such is the case, then why are photos of the south polar area also
unavailable? What can be "strategic" about Antarctica? Is it perhaps because the Internationalist's enemy is that nation inside
Our Hollow Earth?

On the other hand, one answer as to why satellites are not placed in exact polar orbit is that they would be crashing into each
other if they all crossed a single point at the poles. Hence most polar orbiting satellites are placed in orbit off to the side of the
polar axis of the earth to allow the placement of a greater number of satellites in polar orbit. But is that the whole reason? If
polar openings exist, especially if the openings are not centered over the polar axis, then satellites would be placed in polar orbit
farther south of the such openings so that the lack of gravity over the openings do not mess up the orbital pattern of the satellite.
Such would appear to be the case in the Landsat Satellites which go no further than about 81 degrees north or south latitude.

If a satellite were placed in orbit over the polar openings at say a height of 300 miles and the openings are 600 miles in
diameter, on the first pass the satellite would follow the earth's curvature through the opening and crash on the earth's interior.
This apparently happened when the first satellites were put in polar orbit in the 1950's. More on this later.

Objection Six:

"Consider all the commercial airline flights that have been made between North America and Europe via the polar region. Not
once has there been any observation of any polar opening, although the entire area has been criss-crossed."

If we take a map and draw a straight line from any major city of North America to any major city of Europe, few if any go over
the pole but to one side of it. This is, in fact, what all airlines do. Ray Palmer writes in his magazine, FLYING SAUCERS,
"Many of the readers stated that commercial flights continually cross the Pole and fly to the opposite side of the Earth. This is
not true, and though the Airline officials themselves, when asked, might say that they do, it is not literally true. They do make
navigational maneuvers which automatically eliminate a flight beyond the Pole in a straight line, in every sense. Ask the pilots of
these polar flights. And when they come to the exact point, name one trans-polar flight on which you can buy a ticket which
actually crosses the North Pole."

"Examining the route of flights across the North Polar area we always find that they go around the Pole or to the side of it and
never directly across it. This is strange. Surely a flight advertised as passing directly over the North Pole would attract many
passengers who would like to have that experience. Yet, strangely, no airline offers such a flight. Their air routes always pass on
one side of the Pole. Why? Is it not possible that if they went straight across the Pole, instead of landing on the opposite side of
the Earth, the plane would go to that land beyond the Pole, 'the center of the Great Unknown,' as Admiral Byrd called it?"

Prytz states that the polar airline flights have not seen any opening. My friend, Ivars Jaunakais, met an airline pilot at a UFO
Conference in Phoenix, Arizona that told him that he has seen the north polar opening many times while on transpolar flights. He
said that all his airline pilot buddies know the polar opening exists. Of course, they don't try to fly across it.

Objection Seven:

"Given that a North Polar opening exists, and that UFOs leave and enter there, why have they not been tracked by our D.E.W.

Undoubtedly they have been. But since the U.S. government considers UFOs and Our Hollow Earth top secret, any military
personnel who dares divulge such information is severely dealt with. All such knowledge is considered too dangerous for
common citizens to know by the International Illuminist Conspiracy which controls the U.S. military.

Objection Eight:

"There has never been any reported observations of polar openings by astronauts, in particular those with an Earth wide view
such as Apollo 8, 10, and 11."

Air Force Regulation 200-2 penalizes military employees with a $10,000 dollar fine and 10 years in prison if they publicize
censored subjects such as UFOs. The astronauts undoubtedly were also under such strict regulations concerning their
observations in space. However, the astronauts did take pictures which show the polar openings and these are available
without comment from NASA.

Objection Nine:

"No deep space satellite (even those in polar orbits) with photo coverage of the Earth has ever recorded a polar opening."

Here, Prytz, you could say, really has one up one us. There definitely is a derth in polar opening photos from space. But that
doesn't necessarily mean the polar openings don't exist. It could mean that NASA is covering them up by retouching any
photographs of earth from space that might show a polar opening. There are NASA workers who have admitted to retouching
space photos to eliminate anomalous UFOs. Even one NASA scientist admitted that the polar openings exist, but that they
retouch photographs of them to make them look like ice and snow.

I have included some photos of Earth taken by several satellites. However, we recently have determined that ATS photo
67-HC-723, which for a long time hollow earth researchers (including me) thought might be showing the North Polar Opening
-- is NOT. What appears at the top of the photo is the southern tip of Greenland AND an unusual cloud formation south of it
that makes it look like it could be an opening. The included Apollo 17 photo of Africa and Antarctica shows what may be an
eliptical view of the South Polar Opening at the bottom of the picture.

NASA photo #72-HC-928 taken by Apollo 17

Could the ellipical area at the bottom of this photo be Earth's South Polar Opening?

NASA RadarSat Image of Antarctica

Light areas reflect radar well, dark areas do not. Is that The South Polar Opening located approximately in the center of the
image? It is located at about 84.4 S Latitude, 39 W Longitude, which is opposite the location of my best estimate of the North
Polar Opening at 84.4 N Latitude, 141 E Longitude Taken in Spring of 1997 NASA ATS photo #67-HC-723

The indentation at the top of this ATS photo has been determined by Jan Lamprecht of South Africa to be a cloud anomaly,
not the North Polar Opening

Objection Ten:

"The South Pole and surrounding area (5,300,000) square miles as opposed to the Arctic, is not ocean, but dry land covered,
however, with an ice cap many thousands of feet thick. This area has been extensively surveyed by air by foot in particular in
preparation for and during the IGY. Of course, no southern polar opening was ever discovered."

The scientists of the International Geophysical Year are controlled by the Conspiracy. Therefore we hear nothing of their
discoveries of the land beyond the pole. But it is significant that it was just one year after Admiral Byrd's 1956 flight into the
south polar opening, in 1957 that the International Geophysical Year convened upon Antarctica. F. Amadeo Giannini, in his
book, WORLDS BEYOND THE POLES, commented, "The United States and more than thirty other nations prepared
unprecedented polar expeditions for 1957-58 to penetrate land now proved to extend beyond both Pole points. My original
disclosure of then unknown land beyond the Poles, in 1926-28, was captioned by the press as 'more daring than anything Jules
Verne ever conceived.'"

"Then Giannini quoted the following statements by Admiral Byrd: "1947: February. 'I'd like to see that land BEYOND THE
POLE. That area beyond the Pole is the CENTER OF THE GREAT UNKNOWN.'--Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, United
States Navy, before his seven-hour flight over land beyond the North Pole."

"1956: January 13. 'On January 13, members of the United States expedition accomplished a flight of 2,700 miles from the
base at McMurdo Sound, which is 400 miles beyond the Pole.'--Radio announcement, confirmed by press of February 5."

"Prior to his departure from San Francisco he delivered the momentous radio announcement, 'This is the most important
expedition in the history of the world.'"

And upon his return from the land beyond the South Pole, Byrd reported, "The present expedition has opened up A VAST

The Polar openings were discovered. But U.S. and the International Conspiracy intelligence clamped down on all further
publication of that discovery.

Objection Eleven:

"No planet is naturally hollow--regardless of which theory one believes in as to how a planet forms, the basic building block is
that a planet grows from the center outward--therefore, no planet can be naturally hollow."

On the contrary, since planets are formed in rotation, with a foundational spiritual bubble located at the central sphere of
gravity, this causes the material to be thrown outward from the center of rotation by centrifugal force leaving a hollow shell
precipitated on the central sphere of gravity with a hollow interior and central core. Space dust, rocks and gases also
accumulate on the outside portion of the central sphere of gravity augmenting the thickness of the earth's hollow shell.
Centrifugal force and gravity naturally makes all planets hollow. Many astronomical observations indicate that all the planets are
indeed hollow.

In 1962, Dr. Gordon McDonald of NASA, published a report in the July issue of Astronautics, in which he states that
according to an analysis of the astronomical data, the Moon appears to be hollow: "If the astronomical data are reduced, it is
found that the data require that the interior of the Moon be less dense than the outer parts. Indeed, it would seem that the
Moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere." (ASTRONAUTICS, July 1962, pp. 14, 15)

Furthermore, astronomers have observed gleams from the inner suns of Mars, Venus and Mercury shining from their polar
openings. In fact, our own Aurora Borealis and Australis are caused by the electron and proton beam of highly charged
radiation from the sun within Our Hollow Earth emanating through the polar openings, colliding with atmospheric atoms and
thereby causing these wonderful "Northern" and "Southern Lights." (See chapters nine and ten for further details on the auroras)

Objection Twelve:

"The density of the Earth is 5.52 (on a scale of water equals 1) but the average density of the earth's crust is 2.7. Therefore, the
interior of the earth must consist of a far greater density than the crust in order to get the overall average density of the earth. A
hollow Earth would not be near compatible with these facts."

Here is where Prytz might have had something as proof of his side of the argument. Since surface rocks have a density of 2.7
times an equal volume of water, for the earth to have an overall density of 5.52, the interior would have to be in the range of 10
or greater. But would such densities preclude the earth from being hollow? Actually, it does not. Nevertheless, discovery that
all planets, moons, and stars are hollow bodies is bound to have a profound effect on our theory of gravity and how planets are
formed. Perhaps this may even require a correction in the gravitation formula and gravitation constant. Let's review gravity
theory as it is today and see where changes might be made and if present gravity theory is consistent with a hollow planet.

Gravity and Our Hollow Earth

Retired physicist Al Snyder wrote several books back in the 70's disputing the claims of Newtonian scientists. In his
NEWTON'S LAWS ARE FULL OF FLAWS, Snyder shows how illogical the gravitation formula attributed to Isaac Newton
is. When Newton proposed in 1687 in his PRINCIPIA that "there is a power of gravity pertaining to all bodies, proportional to
the several quantities of matter which they obtain" and that the "force of gravity towards the several particles of any body is
inversely as the square of the distances of places from the particles," he never actually stated the law of gravitation with its
now-familier equation containing the gravitational constant G.

In fact, Newton never stated that gravity is a pull. It could be a push. In his time, scientists believed that space was full of an
etheric matter through which light propagated. If space is full of an etheric matter, it could be the source of that push. Gravity
could consist of the ether of space flowing into all particles of matter. As the ether of space flows through matter, it would exert
a pressure on that matter in the direction where most of the mass is located. Since most of the earth's mass is located inside it,
the ether flowing towards the earth from space passes through us and keeps our feet firmly planted on the earth's surface.

Newton did not even say that gravity increases to the center of the earth, which scientists today claim. They also claim that
anywhere inside a hollow sphere everything would be weightless. If such was the case, any people living inside the hollow earth
would be floating around.

And there are other incongruencies in the Newtonian orthodox science, such as the equal gravisphere distances between bodies
in space -- that place where a rocket after its initial burn in a trajectory coasting away from one body will begin to accelerate
towards the other. For example, Newtonians place the equal gravisphere distance between the earth and the sun at 160,000
miles from Earth, and yet the moon is located at over 250,000 miles from earth. How then could the equal gravisphere distance
between the Earth and the Sun be located BETWEEN the earth and the moon? If it, in fact, was, the sun's gravity would cause
the moon to fall out of earth orbit towards the sun. The same goes for the equal gravisphere distance between the Earth and the
Moon. Prior to the Apollo missions which discovered by radar the distance of 54,828.7 nautical miles from the earth that the
rocket stopped decelerating away from earth and started to accelerate towards the moon, Newtonians believed that the equal
gravisphere distance between the earth and the moon was 1/81th of the distance from the moon to the earth, or about 3000
miles from the moon. That is why the first probes sent to the moon missed it altogether or crashed into the moon -- mission
control was aiming at passing the equal gravisphere distance thought to be only 3000 miles from the moon instead of the
63,107.8 miles from the moon that it was later located at.

The tides as calculated by Newtonian scientists is even more incongruent. They even had to "mickey mouse" their Newtonian
gravity formula to make it fit the observed tidal forces by cubing the distance between the earth and the moon instead of using
the "square of the distances" as established by Isaac Newton in his PRINCIPIA. That is because, if you use the standard
Newtonian gravitation formula of,

F = GmM/R^2

the sun by this formula exerts 99.5% of the gravity force on earth's tides and the moon only .05%. However, it has been known
for millennia that the moon exerts the greater gravitation force on earth's tides, because the tides come up when the moon
comes up, even when the sun is down. The moon comes up 50 minutes later every day and so also do the tides. We KNOW
the moon exerts the greater gravity force on the tides, yet the Newtonian gravity formula says it does not. For further details
and calculations see my gravity paper The Origin, Cause and Control of Gravity -- Found!

There is a definite need to revise our physics and gravity theories to resolve these and other incongruencies with the current
physics. The physics of hollow planets will need to be included in the revision. Perhaps we can even achieve realization of the
illusive United Field Theory while we're about it.

Since before the days of Albert Einstein, there have been those who have noticed similarities between the different force
formulas. This has lead to the belief in the possibility of a United Field Theory in which perhaps one formula would describe all
forces of nature. The underlying existence of an all pervasive etheric substance that would contribute to development of all
forces of nature would definitely be the beginning. The ether that fills the immensity of space must be accepted as a reality. The
next step would be looking for similarities between the forces and the formulas describing those forces for a reconciliation of the
formulas into one United Field Theory formula that would apply to all the forces of nature. For example, notice the similarity
between the above mentioned Newtonian gravitation formula and the electrostatic formula,

F = k Qq/d^2

Both have constants, both have two bodies and both are separated by a distance squared. The differences are that the
electrostatic bodies are quantified with charges of opposite sign where as the gravitation bodies are quantified by mass, and the
distance between electrostatic bodies is measured from their surfaces, but the gravitation bodies from their centers. If we were
to unify these formulas into one, the differences would have to be resolved.

Let's start with the distances that separate them. Both are varied as to their distances squared. The only difference here is the
starting point of the measurement one from the center, the other from the surface of the interacting bodies.

Remember that Newton stated in his PRINCIPIA that, the "force of gravity towards the several particles of any body is
inversely as the square of the distances of places from the particles." Nothing is mentioned of measuring the distance from the
center of the particles. Similar to the electrostatic forces between two bodies, the gravity force from the gravitational formula
can only be applied to two bodies separated by a distance. It does not describe the gravity force within a body.

One of the definite flaws of Newtonian gravity theory is its assumption that the center of gravity is located in the center of the
earth. Although gravity (ether) does flow into the central sun suspended in the hollow of the earth, it also flows towards the
inner surface, thus allowing inner earth inhabitants to have their feet firmly planted on the inner surface instead of floating about
as Newtonians maintain. The flaw in their theory of gravity is they assume that all gravity inside the earth flows towards the
center of the planet. However, a closer reading of Newton's above statement on gravity indicates that the gravity force varys
"inversely as the square of the distances" between all "particles" of matter in the earth.

Gravity flows towards the greatest concentrations of matter. In a hollow planet, there are two concentrations of matter, the
hollow shell and the interior sun. Therefore, gravity will flow towards the shell from without and from within, AND towards the
inner sun keeping it suspended in the hollow of the planet. This means that the center of gravity in a hollow planet's shell would
be in its shell, not in the central sun. The guide in ETIDORPHA asserted that the center of gravity in the earth's 800 mile thick
shell is 700 miles down from the outer surface. This indicates a greater concentration of denser matter towards the inner surface
than towards the outer surface of the shell. In fact, the center of gravity in the shell would actually be a sphere, a central sphere
of gravity where ether flowing from the outside surfaces meet. The resultant gravitational flow of the ether would be at this
depth flowing in all directions. A person located at the central sphere of gravity would float as if he were in space, only he
would be surrounded by air and the matter of the earth's shell.

Newtonian theory maintains that the acceleration of gravity increases to the center of the planet resulting in tremendous
pressures that create great heat that causes their "outer core" to be molten. The inner earth explorer that called himself
I-AM-THE-MAN in ETIDORPHA, reported that as he and his guide descended through communicating caverns they
gradually lost weight until at the central sphere of gravity they weighed zero. At a depth of around 200 miles from the outer
surface he was able to walk with leaps and bounds like as if he were on the moon at 1/6th gravity requiring very little effort to
move. At 700 miles from the outer surface they were floating in the air. Pressures increase for a short distance from either
surface as the acceleration of gravity into the mass of the earth decreases, but then pressure decreases towards the central
sphere of gravity. Resultant gravitational flow gradually cancels out and weight decreases to 0 as the central sphere of gravity is
approached. There is NO molten "outer core." The outer core is actually the hollow of the earth through which NO earthquake
waves pass. See Chapter Eleven, Earthquakes Prove Our Earth is Hollow! for further detail on earthquakes.

Al Snyder pointed out another inconcruency in the Newtonian gravitation formula. He did this by comparing two sets of
magnets, one set 10 times more power than the first. Using the Newtonian formula, he showed that for the first set of magnets
of power 1,

F = m * M / R^2

1 = 1 * 1 / 1^2

But for the second set of magnets 10 times more powerful than the first,

100 = 10 * 10 / 1^2

Newtonians would maintain that the second set of magnets are 100 times more powerful than the first set, instead of the actual
10 times more powerful that we KNOW they are. Therefore, Snyder concluded that in the Newtonian gravitation formula, F is
actually squared,

F^2 = m * M / R^2

For the second set of magnets 10 times more powerful,

10^2 = 10 * 10 / 1^2

F = 10

Could this mean that the force we attribute to gravity is exerted by a much less quantity of matter than previously thought to be
the case? And could this much less quantity of matter in a hollow earth exert the gravity force we observe the earth to have?
Newtonians have presumed a much more massive and dense earth than a hollow planet would seem to have.

However, even if we assume that the Newtonian mass and density for the earth are correct, this does not preclude the earth
being hollow. It could still be hollow even with a density of 5.5 gm/cc. Let's review how the mass and density of the earth are

Newtonians assume, by Newton's Second Law, that the momentum of a small mass accelerating towards the earth near its
surface is equal to the earth's gravitational force acting on that small mass:

F = m * a

The Momentum Formula (Newton's Second Law)

F = GmM/R^2

The Newtonian Gravitation Formula

m * a = GmM/R^2

Solving for a, the mass m's cancel out,

a = GM/R^2

We can now solve for M, the mass of earth,

M = a * R^2 /G

using the Newtonian Gravitational Constant,

980.665 * 4.0678884 x 10^17 / 6.67259 x 10^-8 = 5.978541732 x 10^27 gms

The Newtonian mass of the Earth

From the Density formula

D = M/V

we obtain the Newtonian density of the earth.

From the volume of a sphere formula,

V = PiD^3/6

The volume of the earth is 1.082 * 10^27 cc.

The Newtonian density of the earth then is:

5.978541732 x 10^27 gms / 1.082 * 10^27 cc = 5.525 gm/cc

Since surface rocks have a density of 2.7 on average, the interior of the earth would have to be at least as dense as steel (about
8 times more dense than water, water = 1) to arrive at the Newtonian average earth density of 5.5 (8.3 + 2.7 / 2 = 5.5).

Now let's ask ourselves some questions. For example, how dense would a hollow earth be? Would it necessarily be less
massive than Newtonians claim? How would gravity theory need to be revised to allow for a hollow planet? And if the
gravitation formula and gravitation constant need to be revised, what would they be?

These are questions that need answering if hollow planets are a reality. For an ongoing review of gravity and how it may affect
the hollow earth, see my study The Origin, Cause and Control of Gravity -- Found!

For now, let's visit the idea of whether an earth density of 5.525 gm/cc could be hollow.

Assuming the thickness of earth's shell at 800 mi or 1,287.48 km,

Diameter of Earth's hollow: Thickness of Earth's shell x 2 - Diameter of Earth

800 mi x 2 - 8000 = 6400 mi


1,287.48 km x 2 - 12,756 = 10,181 km Or 1.018104445 x 10^9 cm

Volume of Hollow:

3.14159265 x (1.018104445 x10^9)^3/6 = 5.525551394 x 10^26 cc Volume of Earth - Volume of Hollow = Volume of
Shell: 1.086781293 x 10^27 cc - 5.525551394 x 10^26 cc = 5.342261531 x 10^26

Density of Shell = Mass of Earth/Volume of Shell:

5.978541732 x 10^27 gms/5.342261531 x 10^26 cc = 11.19 gm/cc

This assumes that most of the earth's mass is located in its shell. As you can see, Newtonian physics would require an average
shell density almost as dense as lead (11.3). And since surface rocks are 2.7, then the interior of the shell would have to be
greater than the average density.

The interior density using the Newtonian mass of the earth requires than the interior of the shell would have a density of 2 *
11.19 - 2.7 = 19.68, which is denser than gold (19.3). Platinum is 21.4, so an inner shell density of 19.68 is not beyond the
realm of possibility. In fact, if the earth is hollow as we maintain, the inner shell would necessarily need to be of a greater density
to give the hollow planet enough strength to keep its hollow shape.

So we can say that a shell density of 11.19 gm/cc could be in the realm of possibility. After all, the earth DOES ring like a bell
after a rather large earthquake. A bell is hollow and is made of metal, just as a hollow earth may be.

We might ask how much of the earth's mass would be contained by the interior sun? Actually, an interior sun of the estimated
diameter of 600 miles would contain very little of the mass of the earth.

Assuming the interior sun has a density of glass which I claim all stars are actually crystals instead of burning gas, it's mass
would be only .01% of the mass of the Newtonian mass of the earth.

V = pi D^3 / 6

pi * (600 mi * 1.60934722 km * 100,000 cm) ^3 / 6 = 4.714130881 x 10^23 cc

Volume of inner sun

Let's assume that the inner sun is also hollow and has a shell 10% of it's diameter, or 60 miles. This would give the sun's hollow
a volume of 2.413635011 x 10^23 cc. So the volume of it's shell would be 2.30049587 x 10^23 cc mutiplied by 2.6, the
density of glass gives,

Mass = Volume * Density

= 5.981289262 x 10^23 gms, Mass of inner sun

divided by mass of earth of 5.978541732 x 10^27 gms

= .000100046 * 100 = .01%

If the interior sun is composed of gas as orthodox science maintains stars consist of, then that percentage would be much less.
By far, most of a hollow earth's mass would be located in its shell.

Another possibility, you may say, is that the earth's shell is thicker than 800 miles which would give it a lower average shell
density. This also, could be a possibility. Some method of determining the shell's thickness needs to be devised. This could
easily be determined by entering the hollow of the earth through a polar opening and bouncing radar waves off the opposite
side of the hollow interior.

In all, actually, I see nothing in the Newtonian mass and density of the earth that would completely exclude the earth from being
hollow. Earthquake waves have been noticed to bend as they descend into the earth causing them to curve back up to the
surface before hitting the discontinuity inside the earth that scientists claim is the outer core. This indicates the earth does
increase in density with depth which is consistent with a hollow shell using the Newtonian mass of the earth. In fact, if the earth
is hollow and the Newtonian mass of the earth requiring an increased density with depth is correct, then that in itself would
exclude their claim to a molten interior. That discontinuity inside the earth could be the inner surface. For further email
discussions on gravity click here.

After applying Newtonian physics to the planets and assuming they are all hollow with shells having a thickness of 10% of their
diameters, it turns out that all the planets including the sun would have solid surfaces (with one possible exception being Saturn
with a shell density of 1.26 which is closer to the density of water=1). With surface gravities close to that of earth and interior
suns that create their planetary magnetic fields and which emit solar winds through polar openings to light up their auroras, it is
even plausible that most contain inner atmospheric conditions similar to earth conducive to plant, animal and human life on their
interiors. For further information see The Origin, Cause and Control of Gravity -- Found!

Objection Thirteen:

"The earth's magnetic field could not be accounted for if the Earth were hollow, as it is the Earth's core acting like a dynamo
which produces the magnetic field."

The rotation of the hollow earth's shell about the nearly stationary sun in the center of the earth's vacuum causes the
electromagnetic field of the earth. (For more information on the earth's electromagnetic field see chapter eleven Earthquakes
Prove Our Earth Is Hollow! and chapter twelve Our Hollow Earth and The Plate Tectonic System).

Objection Fourteen:

"The temperature of the Earth increases as the depth increases. This is known as the thermal gradient, and the value is 150
degrees Fahrenheit per mile. Thus after relatively short depths are reached, the temperature approaches the melting point of
many rocks. If a race of people did live in the subterranean Earth, it would be just a mite hot for them."

Professor Mohr of Bonn has shed some true light on this subject. Marshall B. Gardner, in his book, A JOURNEY TO THE
EARTH'S INTERIOR wrote, "Every reader is acquainted with the fact, as reported by miners and other observers, that the
further one digs into the earth the hotter it gets. It was that idea that led people to believe that if they dug far enough they would
come to a depth where it was so hot that everything would be in a molten condition. But that idea, too, must go, as being no
longer in accordance with the evidence. Professor Mohr of Bonn has written a very important paper on thermometric
investigations of a 4,000 feet boring at Speremberg who finds that while there is an increase of temperature, as we go down,
the rate of that increase gets less and less all the time, so that soon it will be nil; that is to say there will no longer be any
increase, and the point at which the heat would cease to increase would be about 13,550 feet." (Gardner, p. 357)

The earth is not rigid enough to be solid all the way through. In Sir G. H. Darwin's book, THE TIDES AND KINDRED
PHENOMENA OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM, he writes, "The body of the earth, on which the oceans rest, cannot be
absolutely rigid. No body is. It must be deformed more or less by the attractions of the Sun and Moon." So he shows how
these attractions are calculated. He does this by measuring the fortnightly tide. By fortnightly tide is meant "...a minute inequality
in the tide-height, having a period of about a fortnight, depending upon the inclination of the moon's orbit to the plane of the
equator. Now the amount which the fortnightly oceanic tide would have if the Earth were absolutely rigid can be calculated."

The results from these calculations show that the earth does yield to some extent under the force of the moon's attraction, and
the yielding is not small enough to justify us in saying that the earth is practically rigid and it is not large enough to suggest that
the earth has a liquid interior.

Gardner writes, "Now, if the earth is not a solid, rigid body on the one hand or a shell-encrusted viscous or fluid body on the
other hand--and as we have seen scientists can prove neither the one thing nor the other--there is left but one possibility--that
the earth is hollow..." (Gardner, pp. 342-50)

Concerning the liquid-interior theory, Gardner writes: "Of the old liquid-interior people, it is not necessary to say very much.
Their day is over. Scientists no longer put any credence in that notion--it is only in school books that it survives." He quotes
Grew in his, THE ROMANCE OF MODERN GEOLOGY, of the impossibility of a molten interior: "For that would leave a
molten ocean more than 7900 miles across any way in which it was measured: 7900 miles deep, 7900 miles broad, 7900 miles
long if we take 8000 miles to be the diameter of the earth. We all know what great tides the sun and moon by their attractions
raise in the earth's outer ocean of water. Think what tides they would raise in this inner ocean of molten rock and metal. The
earth's crust would not be able to hold such tides in. The molten stuff would always be breaking through the flimsy thirty miles
of outer solid rock as if it were eggshell. Twice a day there would be outbreaks of lava vast enough to submerge continents."

Since Gardner wrote his book in 1920, scientists have decided that the earth is partially solid and partially liquid--since it can't
be all solid nor practically all liquid. Today's theory of the earth's interior says the earth has a solid core surrounded by a liquid
outer core. Then the mantle up to the crust is somewhat plastic with a solid crust at the surface. But the fact that earthquakes
occur down to 450 miles should prove to scientists that the crust must extend down at least that far. And if it extends that far
down, Prytz's thermal gradient is obviously wrong since earthquakes cannot occur in molten lava. (See chapter eleven
Earthquakes Prove Our Earth is Hollow! for further details)

Objection Fifteen:

"Pressure also increases with depth. No cavity in the Earth can exist at a depth greater than 40 miles down due to the pressure
of the overlying rocks."

The opposite is true. While pressure does increase with depth for the first 10 to 30 miles, it then begins to decrease as the
central sphere of gravity is approached. According to our theory, at the depth of 700 miles the center of gravity in a 800-mile
thick crust is reached where everything is weightless and pressure is zero. Even as weight and pressure decrease as one
descends into the earth, cavities get bigger and bigger. The man taken into the Kentucky cavern by his guide as recorded in
ETIDORPHA, finally came to a cavity 150 miles down with a length of 6000 miles in which lay a giant lake. First-hand
observations certainly are more reliable than theories based upon the imagination.

Objection Sixteen:

"Earthquake waves have been recorded traveling through the entire diameter of the Earth, many times, in many places. These
earthquake waves can only travel through solids and liquids. If the earth were hollow, these quaking waves could not be

Earthquake waves traveling down into the earth's crust are known to bounce back to the surface. Scientists say they are
bouncing off a hard core. They could also be bouncing off an inner surface that ends in air--the hollow interior. The fact that
every time there is a large earthquake, there is a large area on the opposite side of the earth starting at 103 degrees from the
epicenter where no or very little earthquakes waves reach. Scientists claim this is caused by the molten outer core through
which no S-type earthquake waves can pass. Weak P-type waves do reach into the shadow zone. Since P-type waves CAN
pass through liquid, scientists claim these weak P-type wave reception in the shadow zone are actually passing through their
molten outer core and solid inner core to reach the opposite side of the earth with some bending as they pass through different
density layers. But P-waves could also bend around our hollow core to be received weakly in the shadow zone. Actually, the
Shadow Zone IS the evidence of the hollow in the earth.

The earth, in fact, is constantly trembling like a soap bubble, which is hollow. The cause of these ever present
"micro-earthquakes" has never been explained by the solid-liquid earth theory but would be the natural expectation of a hollow
globe. A liquid-solid interior would absorb these micro-earthquakes so they wouldn't even exist in a solid-liquid earth. The fact
that whenever there is a large earthquake the earth vibrates like a bell is only more proof that Our Earth is Hollow, like a bell!
(See chapter eleven Earthquakes Prove Our Earth is Hollow! for further details)

Objection Seventeen

"If the Earth were hollow, it would cave in on itself due to pressure, weak points in the Earth's crust, meteor impacts,
earthquakes, etc."

Of course, this supposition that the hollow earth would cave in is based upon the false idea that gravity pulls everything to the
center of the earth. Concerning this, Gardner replies, "The answer to this is, that in gravitational pull it is not the geometrical
position that counts. Center, in the geometrical sense of the word, does not apply. It is the mass that attracts. And if the great
mass of the earth is in its thick shell, it is the mass of that shell that will attract, and not a mere geometrical point which is not in
the shell at all, but 2900 miles away from it, as that is the approximate distance between the central sun and the inner surface of
the earth. As a matter of fact, it is the equal distribution of the force of gravity all through the shell that keeps the sun suspended
in the spot which is equidistant from every part of that shell. When we are on the outside of the shell it is the mass of the shell
that attracts us to its surface. When we go over to the inside of the shell that same force will still keep our feet solidly planted on
the inner side." (Gardner, p. 34)

A high concentration of metal in its pure state located in the central sphere of gravity--the center of gravity--gives the earth the
rigidity of a steel ball. In fact, ENCYCLOPEDIA AMERICANA says: "The very largest earthquakes cause the earth to
vibrate like a BELL for several hours, with a fundamental period of vibration of 54 minutes." Our earth is like a bell, which is

Objection Eighteen:

"If the Earth were hollow, it would cause variations in the orbit of a satellite in particular around the openings wherever they
might exist. If a satellite passes over an area where the mass is either higher or lower than usual, alterations in the orbit will
occur. This is how the massive mascons on the Moon were pinpointed--through deviations from the normal of the orbiting lunar
Orbiters. If any one of the thousands of pieces of Earth orbiting hardware passes over a hollow Earth opening, similar
deviations would have to occur. None never have."

The negative anomalies over the polar openings are so great that the U.S. has lost satellites over them. In the early 1960's when
the U.S. was trying to put its first satellites into polar orbit, they kept losing them over the Arctic pole until they decided to put
them into orbit on either side of the polar opening. When they tried to send their satellites over the polar opening, several
satellite cones were lost because they followed the earth's curvature into the earth's hollow interior where they crashed.

Ray Palmer wrote in 1959, "Most recent evidence that there is something strange about the Poles of Earth comes in the
launching of Polar orbit satellites. The first six of these rockets launched by the United States from the California coast were full
of disappointments--and surprises. The first two, although perfect launchings, seemed to go wrong at the last minute, and
although presumed to be in orbit, failed to show up on the first complete pass around the Earth. Technically speaking, they
should have gone into orbit but they did not. Something happened, and the location of this something was the Polar area."

"The next two rockets fired did achieve orbits. This was done by 'elevating sights,' so to speak, and trying for a higher orbit,
with a large degree of eccentricity, that is, a high point of orbit above the poles and a low point of orbit at equatorial areas. It
was admitted that this eccentric orbit would produce a short-lived orbit, but it would also give the advantage of readings at
widely varied heights above the Earth. Especially interesting was the readings expected above the Poles, because of the
discovery of the radiation ring that surrounds the Earth like a huge doughnut, with openings at both Poles (The Van Allen
Radiation Belts)..."

The next two satellites bore nose cones similar to those in which a future astronaut would be sent into orbit. In each one was a
powerful radio transmitter, which was possible because the cone was the size of an automobile, and carried heavy batteries.
Also included were powerful lights which could be illuminated at the proper time. The technique of releasing this cone from the
satellite was to drop it by a radio-triggered device somewhere north of Alaska. Once dropped, the cone lost altitude and
proceeded around the Earth for one more revolution on its orbit. Having come over the Pole it was then low enough (calculated
the rocket men) to drop into the atmosphere over Hawaii, where a parachute would lower it slowly to the Earth's surface, and
there huge planes awaited, rigged to "fish for" the descending cone, and take it into the plane before it dropped into the ocean
and thus retrieve its important contents intact, without damage of crash landing."

"On both occasions the following happened: The powerful radio signals were not heard at all. The lights were not seen at all.
Radar, with a range of at least 500 miles detected absolutely nothing. Each "pick-up" was a complete failure because there was
nothing to pick up..."

"Each launching was perfect. Orbits finely determined as to exact distance, speed, etc. were achieved, and constantly tracked.
Yet, when the final deed is done, and the cone is detached successfully according to monitoring devices signaling the
detachment, everything goes wrong and the result is complete and inexplicable disappearance of the cone..."

"Can it be that the reason the descending cone does not come over the Pole on that last low pass is because the Polar Area is
mysterious in extent, not in the area calculated by the rocket men, and therefore not taken into consideration? Can it be that the
nose cone fell to Earth inside that "land of mystery" discovered by Admiral Byrd? Where else could they have gone? If the
Earth at the Poles is as given on today's maps, could four successive "low-level" launchings give the same inexplicable
result--unreasonable disappearance?" (LANDS BEYOND THE POLES by Ray Palmer, pub. by Gray Barker, pp. 13-14)

Today there are no satellites in polar orbit that go directly over the poles. Those in polar orbit all go to one side or the other of
the polar openings. That is, all except two. There are two satellites that have been discovered in polar orbit which DO go
directly over the poles. These satellites belong to no known nation on earth. And they are different from our satellites. These
two mysterious satellites consist of rock about 15 tons in size. (UFO REPORT Aug. 1977, p. 29)

It would seem that these two polar "rock" satellites belong to the nation inside Our Hollow Earth who know how to cause their
satellites to compensate for the lack of gravity over the polar holes. These rock satellites cannot be thought to be meteorites
that have gone into polar orbit. It is the consensus of scientists that the possibility of meteors going into orbit around the earth of
their own accord is practically impossible. And the possibility of TWO going into the same orbit and setting up stable orbits IS
impossible without intelligent guidance.

In summary of the scientific evidences of Our Hollow Earth, we maintain that:

1.) Explorers have gone to that land beyond the poles and returned to report their discoveries. Richard Evelyn Byrd, Admiral
of the United States Navy flew his airplane through the North and South Polar Openings in 1929, February 1947 through the
North Polar Opening, and January 13, 1956 through the South Polar Opening. (SECRET OF THE AGES, p. 114, WORLDS
BEYOND THE POLES, by Giannini)

Captain Hubert Wilkins reached that land beyond the South Pole on December 12, 1929 (WORLDS BEYOND THE
POLES, Giannini)

Olaf Jansen attained that land August 15, 1829 through the North Polar Opening. (THE SMOKY GOD, p. 89)

The patient of Dr. Nephi Cottom of Los Angeles visited that land through the North Polar Opening in this century.

The fellow, claimed by Hollow Earth researcher Bruce Walton, of Provo Utah, to be William Morgan, who wrote a book in
about 1826 revealing the secrets of Masonry and subsequently reported to have been killed by the Masons and thrown into a
river, called himself I-AM-THE-MAN, in ETIDORPHA, actually had been taken by the Masons and sent on a journey to the
Hollow Earth through communicating caverns beginning at an entrance in Kentucky.

Danish scientist and explorer Edmund Bork led an expedition to Our Hollow Earth in 1991. See newspaper report in the Other
Collections at the end of this book.

2.) The magnetic poles do not coincide with the geographic poles. A hollow earth with a nearly stationary interior sun would
give rise to the geomagnetic field of the earth as the earth's shell rotates about the nearly stationary interior sun. Since the earth
has been tipped on its axis in past geologic history, the interior sun still retains its original orientation and causes the geomagnetic
poles to not coincide with the geographic axis of the earth.

3.) Icebergs originate from rivers inside the polar openings which freeze over in winter and break loose and are pushed out to
sea in summer.

4.) Siberian frozen mammoths, and other wild animals which live in the interior, such as the hairy rhinoceros, reindeer,
hippopotamus, lion and hyena, fall into the frozen rivers where they are frozen and later pushed out with the icebergs.

5.) Numerous fish, such as, mackerel and herring; animals, such as, whale, seal, arctic fox, reindeer and musk-oxen; birds, such
as, knots, swans, snow geese, blue geese, brent geese, horned wavy geese, and ross-gull, migrate to and from the unknown
north country each spring or fall to have their young or to escape the cold winter. (Gardner, Chapter 12)

6.) A North Wind brings warmer weather. In fact, on the rim of the polar opening the sun strikes in the summer at right angles
just as at the equator, raising the temperature substantially. Olaf Jansen reported that when they were in the far north on the
polar rim, "The sun was beating down slantingly, as if we were in a southern latitude, instead of in the far Northland. It was
swinging around, its orbit ever visible and rising higher and higher each day...The sun's rays, while striking us aslant, furnished
tranquil warmth." (THE SMOKY GOD pp. 76, 83)

7.) Eskimos say that their ancestors originated from a land in the north where the sun never sets. Marshall B. Gardner reports
that "...in the efforts of these Eskimos to tell where they came from they would point to the north and describe a land of
perpetual sunshine..." (A JOURNEY TO THE EARTH'S INTERIOR, p. 302)

8.) In the very far north, beyond the pole, within the polar opening and past the ice, exists an OPEN SEA to which few
explorers have attained. At times the extent of this open sea has expanded down to the 80th parallel. In earlier times it seems to
have extended farther south than today is the case.

Explorer Olaf Jansen and his father arrived at Franz Josef Land in late June, 1829, and finding an open lead in the ice, they
followed it into the open sea within the polar opening and then into Our Hollow Earth. (THE SMOKY GOD, pp. 60, 61)

Several accounts of explorers reaching this open sea on the other side of the ice is found in a book by Dr. D. Barrington, THE
POSSIBILITY OF APPROACHING THE NORTH POLE ASSERTED, published in 1818 in New York. Dr. Barrington
writes that in 1751 a Captain MacCallam commanding a whaler, during a lull in the usual business of the voyage, thought he
would make a dash for the North Pole. He reached a latitude of 83 degrees and found in front of him no further ice. In fact they
had not seen a speck of ice for the last three degrees, he reported. But had to abandon his adventure as he did not wish to
incur the displeasure of his owners.

Another voyage by a Dr. Dallie of Holland on a Dutch warship in supervision of the Greenland fisheries reached a latitude of 88
degrees and reported that the weather was warm, and the sea perfectly free from ice. Dallie pressed the captain to proceed but
the captain felt he had already gone too far by having neglected his station.

Then a Mr. Stephens, sailing on another Dutch ship in 1754 was driven into latitude 84½ degrees north and reported that they
did not find the cold excessive, used little more than common clothing, met with but little ice, and even less ice the father
northward they went.

9.) The explorers find subtropical seeds, flowers, green plants and trees and much driftwood floating in the Arctic Ocean which
could come from no other place than Our Hollow Earth.

10.) Often winds from the north carry so much pollen as to color the icebergs. The colored snow has been analyzed and the
red, green and yellow have been found to contain vegetable matter, similar to the pollen of a plant. It has been observed to fall
at different seasons. Explorer Kane, in his first volume, page 44 wrote, "We passed the Crimson Cliffs of Sir John Ross in the
forenoon of August 5th. The patches of red snow, from which they derive their name, could be seen clearly at the distance of
ten miles from the coast...All the gorges and ravines in which the snows had lodged were deeply tinted with it...for if the snowy
surface were more diffused, as it is no doubt earlier in the season, crimson would be the prevailing color."

11.) The Aurora Borealis and Australis are caused by the solar wind of the interior sun streaming through the polar openings
following the earth's electromagnetic field lines and causing atoms in the atmosphere around the openings to light up and give off
the beautiful Northern and Southern "lights." Scientists compare the Auroras to a television set but have no answer as to what
takes the place of the cathode; the energy source of the auroras is not known. They admit it must be a solar wind, but the solar
wind from our sun is deflected around the earth by the earth's electromagnetic field and is thus prevented from entering. It is
here the Hollow Earth theory provides the perfect answer as to the source of the energy of the auroras, the cathode of the
auroral television tube. It is the sun within the hollow of our earth which emanates its high energy electrons and protons through
the polar openings which when they hit the atmosphere above the polar openings cause the auroras to light up.

12.) Voyager and the Hubble space telescope have verified that most of the planets of our solar system have auroras. This has
puzzled scientists because the solar wind from the sun is not strong enough to even cause earth's auroras much less the outer
planets' auroras. The hollow planet theory provides the most logical solution: ALL bodies in space are hollow. Those having
auroras and geomagnetic fields strongly indicate that they are not only hollow, but have interior suns and polar openings through
which strong solar winds from those inner suns emit to light up their auroras as their interior solar winds impact on the
atmosphere above their polar openings.

13.) Astronomer's observations of the polar lights on Mars, Venus and Mercury show them to be hollow with central suns
shining through their polar openings.

14.) Pictures from satellites show the polar openings.

15.) The earth is not rigid enough to be solid all the way through. In Sir G. H. Darwin's book, THE TIDES AND KINDRED
PHENOMENA OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM, he writes, "The body of the earth, on which the oceans rest, cannot be
absolutely rigid. No body is. It must be deformed more or less by the attractions of the Sun and Moon." So he shows how
these attractions are calculated. He does this by measuring the fortnightly tide. By fortnightly tide is meant "...a minute inequality
in the tide-height, having a period of about a fortnight, depending upon the inclination of the moon's orbit to the plane of the
equator. Now the amount which the fortnightly oceanic tide would have if the Earth were absolutely rigid can be calculated."

The results from these calculations show that the earth does yield to some extent under the force of the moon's attraction, and
the yielding is not small enough to justify us in saying that the earth is practically rigid and it is not large enough to suggest that
the earth has a liquid interior.

Our conclusion is that if the earth is not rigid enough to be solid all the way through and yet does not yield enough to the
gravitational interactions of the moon and sun to have a liquid interior, then it must be hollow.

After thoroughly investigating gravity theory, I have concluded that Newtonian physics does allow all the planets, sun and
moons to be hollow bodies. Assuming they are all hollow bodies with shells 10% of the planetary diameter, this would also
allow all the planets and even the sun to have solid surfaces with shell densities within the range of possibility, with the possible
exception being Saturn. See The Origin, Cause, and Control of Gravity -- Found!

16.) The earth appears flattened at the poles, which is caused in part by the existence there of openings into the interior.

17.) The earth trembles like a soap bubble, which is hollow. And when a large earthquake strikes, the earth vibrates like a bell,
which is also hollow. The earth's fundamental period of vibration is 54 minutes. This indicates that the earth must be a hollow

18.) The Van Allen radiation belts have holes at the polar extremities of the earth, coinciding with the openings there. Scientists
are puzzled as to the source of the radiation of the belts, admitting that it comes from a solar wind. But the solar wind from our
sun is deflected around the earth by the earth's electromagnetic field which prevents its entrance. It is here that the Hollow Earth
theory provides the answer as to that source. It is the sun within the hollow of the earth emanating protons and electrons
through the polar openings causing the atmosphere to light up in the auroras and thereafter becoming trapped in the
electromagnetic field of the earth, producing the Van Allen Radiation Belts.

19.) While in the far north, explorer Nansen discovered that the north-south horizon became foreshortened while the east-west
remained the same which would be true if a polar opening exists there. In fact, normal navigation instruments don't function in
the arctic/antartic as they do elsewhere because the polar openings are not taken into account. For example, a horizontal
gyroscope will turn vertical as the polar opening is entered and the midpoint of the polar lip is reached. The magnetic compass
will point up on one side of the opening and down on the other depending on which side one is located from the magnetic pole.
In other places it may just spin.

20.) No airline flies over the Pole because this would risk flying into the polar opening.

21.) There are no satellites in polar orbits that pass within 300 miles of the pole. No satellite can be put into a stable orbit
directly over the polar openings without taking into account the lack of gravity there as result of no mass within the polar

22.) X-ray, ultraviolet, and other pictures of the sun taken by Sky-lab reveal holes at the poles of the sun where gravity is
greatly diminished because of the openings there into the hollow interior of that PLANET OF THE GODS.

23.) Seismograph recordings placed on the moon's surface by the Apollo missions indicate that the moon is also hollow. (See
chapter eight)

24.) Ozone holes at earth's poles are created by the ozone free air emanating from the earth's interior through the polar
openings. These ozone holes in the atmosphere are greater in size in the seasons that greater quantities of air flow out of the
polar openings.

Ozone holes at earth's poles are created by the ozone free air emanating from the earth's interior through the polar openings.
These ozone holes in the atmosphere are greater in size in the seasons that greater quantities of air flow out of the polar

Isn't it evident that there exists more scientific proof that our earth IS hollow, and that all planets are hollow than can be dug up
proving them to have combinations of solid-liquid interiors? Indeed, the evidence is almost overwhelming that Our Earth IS
HOLLOW, yet it is not common knowledge because its discovery has been purposely kept hidden from the public by the
powerful Illuminist Conspiracy. But the Conspiracy does not yet have a monopoly on truth even though it would like to. And
anyone with a little study and investigation on his own may now be able to come to a knowledge of the truth about the real
structure of OUR HOLLOW EARTH!

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